A Conversation for How To Look At Your Watch Without Anyone Noticing

Peer Review: A2347986 - How To Look At Your Watch Without Anyone Noticing

Post 1


Entry: How To Look At Your Watch Without Anyone Noticing - A2347986
Author: Atlantic_Cable - U196159

Criticism is, as always, very welcome. I'm around most days so I should respond quickly to any posts.

A2347986 - How To Look At Your Watch Without Anyone Noticing

Post 2


Hi AC smiley - smiley

Great idea for an entry smiley - ok It happens to me all the time, since my work life is dominated by long boring meetings. I never wear a watch, so have perfected techniques of looking at other peoples'.

One of the best methods is simply to ask somebody what the time is. It gets the message across that you're aware that it is passing and that everybody should be a little more focussed please smiley - winkeye

smiley - erm I don't get the footnote about Australian hats and reptile teeth smiley - huh

smiley - cheers

A2347986 - How To Look At Your Watch Without Anyone Noticing

Post 3


"Now there are obviously times when no-one is going to mind you looking at your watch. In an exam, close to 4:59pm"

This sounds like there's only one time nobody will mind - when you're in an exam and it's close to 4:59pm...

smiley - panda

A2347986 - How To Look At Your Watch Without Anyone Noticing

Post 4


Just a small note about the compass retrieving section:

I am left-handed and wear my watch on my left arm. I know I'm weird and am probably in a minority of one, but neither of the stated alternatives apply to me, so how can I make this method work?


A2347986 - How To Look At Your Watch Without Anyone Noticing

Post 5


Oh, and Frenchbean, I think the footnote refers to Crocodile Dundee (the reptile infested city being the main clue).


A2347986 - How To Look At Your Watch Without Anyone Noticing

Post 6

Demon Drawer

Nice one smiley - ok

I was looking to see if an excellent entry on digital watches was referenced and was pleased to see that it was. smiley - cheers

Definitely one of those entries that the EG needs.

A2347986 - How To Look At Your Watch Without Anyone Noticing

Post 7


Nice entry AC smiley - biggrin

Might be improved by focussing on the long meeting scenario - the exam example seems out of place particularly when the footnote relates to finishing 'work' - personally I don't do exams at work.

You could link to other entries on surreptitious activities such as Flying Betty's one on Insubordinate Reading A1077798

A few typos:
Typos in order:
amrs > arms
serupticiously > surreptitiously
elses > else
dissadvantage > disadvantage
corectly > correctly
appologise > apologise
morse > Morse
for example three fingers on the left hand and ...smiley - erm unfinished sentence
those pens that has > those pens that have
repotoire > repertoire

"Suitable signalling schemes are semaphore, morse and a baseball pitchers' variant."
smiley - erm Unless the Morse code or semaphore are surreptitious variants I don’t think they would be suitable schemes. It would be less distracting to just ask out loud what the time is.

Pimmsaloonie smiley - winkeye

A2347986 - How To Look At Your Watch Without Anyone Noticing

Post 8

2 of 3

I don't you're weird, Geggs. I think left handers wear their watces on their left hand too.

The only people I know who do were their watch on their right hands weren't even left-handed! Its not a handed thing.

So they may not be any need to make references for left-handers. Just for people who wear their watches on their right hand.

The other thing is, the trick about pinning the sleeve at the elbow is metioned twice in nearly consecutive paragraphs.


A2347986 - How To Look At Your Watch Without Anyone Noticing

Post 9


Most watches appear to be designed to be worn most easily on the left wrist (with buttons on the right of the dial, which is trickier to manipulate when on the right wrist).

There is always the rare custom of wearing the watch on the inside of the wrist (same side as the palm), which may assist in surreptitious glancing, but (depending on the chunkiness of the watch) be less comfortable to wear.

(For the record I wear my watch on my right wrist and am left handed)

A2347986 - How To Look At Your Watch Without Anyone Noticing

Post 10


OK, I've fixed the typos, finished that snetence and made the exam bit make a bit more sense.

I've also removed the left hander discrimination. smiley - smiley

Thanks for the feedback. Anything else?

A2347986 - How To Look At Your Watch Without Anyone Noticing

Post 11



The difference between the Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey and the Stretch is the speed it is done at. Other than that its a very similar method.

A2347986 - How To Look At Your Watch Without Anyone Noticing

Post 12


AC, just a few points to mention >

For most people, their sleeve will be over the watch > If you are like most people, your sleeve will be over your watch (best to change like this to agree with use of 'you' in subsequent sentences)

corectly > correctly (in point 4 of Compass in Pocket section)

"Suitable signalling schemes are semaphore, Morse and a baseball pitchers' variant."
Unless the Morse code or semaphore are surreptitious variants I think they would *not* be suitable schemes. It would be less distracting to just ask out loud what the time is.

Can you suggest how Morse or semaphore might genuinely be used in a meeting to inform another colleague of the time without disrupting the meeting?smiley - erm

Pimms smiley - smiley

A2347986 - How To Look At Your Watch Without Anyone Noticing

Post 13


Another good way to get your sleeves out of the way is just to roll them both up, as if you are getting warm. Then you can glance at your watch very easily.

smiley - panda

A2347986 - How To Look At Your Watch Without Anyone Noticing

Post 14


Nice entry ... smiley - biggrin

A2347986 - How To Look At Your Watch Without Anyone Noticing

Post 15


Nice one smiley - ok

with you right hand --> with your right hand

The "Australian" --> The ‘Australian’

smiley - blacksheep

A2347986 - How To Look At Your Watch Without Anyone Noticing

Post 16


I believe I've addresses all of your points.

Let me know if I've missed one or not corrected it very well.

Thanks. smiley - smiley

A2347986 - How To Look At Your Watch Without Anyone Noticing

Post 17

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I don't think you've added the one about putting your watch on with its face on the inside of your wrist (rather than the outside). I seem to remember a tale of some bridge cheats who used a method of counting seconds between their bids and they put their watches on this way. Apparently it's a lot less obtrusive than wearing them in the normal way.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A2347986 - How To Look At Your Watch Without Anyone Noticing

Post 18


What about pocket watches? That's a clumsy device when it comes to taking a discrete peek on what time it is smiley - ermsmiley - biggrin.

A2347986 - How To Look At Your Watch Without Anyone Noticing

Post 19



Fixed that.

Is it worth mentioning pocket watches, do you think? Very few people have them and I for one can't think of any way to read them without bing noticed.

A2347986 - How To Look At Your Watch Without Anyone Noticing

Post 20


If you have a pocket watch, you could lay it down on the table infront of you at the beginning of the meeting, then it's very easy to sneak glances at it!

smiley - panda

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