A Conversation for Greebo's Party!!!

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 1


Yet more knocking... ~grin~

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 2

Jo (Dead)

Ah! Much more room! smiley - smiley

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 3


*stretches out*

Plenty. smiley - smiley

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 4

Jo (Dead)

~dirty smile~Yeah.. smiley - winkeye

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 5


Why am I Suddenly overwhlemed by a feeling of dread? smiley - winkeye

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 6

Jo (Dead)

That was the desired effect. OK, where's everybody else? smiley - smiley

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 7



Not found us yet.

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 8

Jo (Dead)

~dirty smile~Ok then... smiley - winkeye

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 9


*edges slowly towards the door*


*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 10

Jo (Dead)

Heheheheh. Gullible. This is the only way I can annoy you smiley - smiley

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 11


There are many ways you can annoy me, you just haven't found them yet. smiley - winkeye

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 12

Ossario T'an

Waves a personal invite from Greebo T. Cat.

Good Evening, JinxPR(Ace of Hearts) and Menza smiley - smiley

Hmm, I would have thought that all of us on the planet would each have many ways of being annoyed by others and of annoying others in turn. Or that complicated relationships formed in cyberspace are easier to disengage from than those we can find ourselves entangled or trapped by in real life.

I expect the other guests will find the new venue given the time.

Ossario T'an

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 13


~grin~.. My grinning as been known to annoy people... ~grin~... odd that... oh... and me was told of once for my dots... hmmm

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 14

Ossario T'an

Well Greebo T. Cat, just as the saying goes that "There is more than one way to skin a cat!" There is more than one way to create dots, if one was wanting to see how far one could push someone who gets pissed off by dots! smiley - bigeyes

The bullet: ••• ••• ••• The elipsis: … … … The full stop: ... ... ...

A choice of weaponry for future encounters there.

Yes, there can be heaps of entertainment value in finding just how far people can be pushed eh? Greebo!!! smiley - smiley

Ossario T'an

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 15


~big grin~... Me is used to finding out how far me can push people... but... me never tries to go to far... and thankyou for calling me Greebo... me had noticed that you tended to be rather formal... and me was going to ask you to call me Greebo... ~grin~... but me see at the end of your last message... you did it all by yourself... ~huggle~

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 16

Ossario T'an

Is caught off guard and in mid-step by the… ~huggle~ …from such a substantial feline and is suddenly over-balanced! Thanks to the wonders of H2G2 and cyberspace, a now familiar comfy setee from another forum instantly appears behind the falling pair!!

Whoa! Teehee! Thanks Greebo ! Yes you may stay in my lap if you wish smiley - smiley !

So, I suppose it is time to drop the formality the other way -though I now recall that you have already done so in another conversation! "Oss..." it was. Hmm, elsewhere in cyberspace I have come to have my nickname addressed as Oss or OT... have you been lurking there?

Ossario T'an

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 17


~Greebo gets comfortable on Oss's lap~

Me has never come across you before a few days ago me thinks... ~grin~... but Oss sort of suits you doesn't it...

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 18

Jo (Dead)

You thanked me for putting you on my friends list, so I like you smiley - smiley BTW: I am Jinx (no formalities) smiley - smiley

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 19


Just bringing in a extra box of doughnuts for when Greebo feels like having a snack. smiley - smiley

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 20


~Greebo jumps of Oss's lap to explore the deliscious smell coming from Menza's box~

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