A Conversation for Greebo's Party!!!

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 61


~grin~... easily explained... my bestest chum Wilson... he's a glum bear... for those that don't know... ~grin~... he has been trying to find friends on h2g2... and Albert agreed to be one... ~another grin~... and any friend of Wilson... is a friend of mine... me thinsk... hmmm... except for the ones me not know about... ~yet another grin~

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 62

Jo (Dead)

Is it me or does Greebz seem ver grinny today? Even for her? smiley - smiley

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 63


I was just thinking that. smiley - smiley

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 64


Oppss... ~grin~... sorry chaps... me just a happy cat... ~grinny grin~... can't stop myself at times...

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 65


Thats OK, a smile is a thing to share. smiley - smiley

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 66


Me likes sharing... er... ~sheepish grin~... except doughnuts...

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 67


I knew you were going to say something like that. smiley - winkeye

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 68


Can you read my mind???

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 69


No, just a guess. smiley - smiley

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 70


The party continues on the next channel... ~grin~


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