A Conversation for Greebo's Party!!!

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 21

Ossario T'an

OK... JinxPR(Ace of Hearts)

I have been of the habit of using copy and paste in addressing people, as a mark of respect and honor to their chosen nicknames -many of which have had much careful thought put into their creation. And even to those which appear to have been given no thought at all, I have accorded the same respect and honor.

However, when asked to do so I'll call anyone anything they like -even call them late for lunch! smiley - bigeyes

So, Jinx and Greebo and anyone else... there appears to be little around this Party with which to slake ones thirst... any suggestions?

Ossario T'an

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 22


~Greebo thinks long and hard...~... After careful consideration... me has decided that MILK would be nice to drink... ~grin~

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 23

a.k.a. good angel, bad angel

hello? i was told that i could get to know people here. i am new

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 24

a.k.a. good angel, bad angel

i note i am probably not very good for converstaion at this point in time, but once i've found my way around, i may be able to say something more interesting than "help me, i'm new!"

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 25

Jo (Dead)

Hi SA! We will forgive your limited conversation. So...what d'ya wanna know? smiley - smiley

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 26


~grin~... looks like yon angel could do with some feeding up... hello and welcome... pleasure to meet you...

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 27

a.k.a. good angel, bad angel

and you mr/mrs cat! you're right! i'd love something to eat. what d'ya have? (miss angel...i like that...simple things please simple minds!)

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 28

Jo (Dead)

hehehe! Just what I've always thought! Greebz might let you have one of HER doughnuts if you ask nicely.. smiley - smiley

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 29


Er... Jinx... lets not get to rash here... ~nervous grin~... giving away one of MY doughnuts!!!

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 30

Jo (Dead)

hehehe...OK we'll give SA one of the doughnuts which I have been sitting on and patiently waiting for the right moment....
*holds up squashed doughnut and winces*
Er...Want one SA? smiley - winkeye

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 31


Hmmm... you sure thats a doughnut???

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 32

Ossario T'an

Skeletal Angel:

If you click on the title (in big orange/brown type) at the top of this forum page, and scroll down when that page loads in, you'll find a list of food that's available. Help yourself to what ever takes your fancy... miss angel smiley - smiley

Ossario T'an

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 33

Ossario T'an

Awwwwwwhhhhhhh G-E-R-R-ROS-S-S Greebo.........!!!!! :=P

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 34

a.k.a. good angel, bad angel

i'll leave it thanks. i've just eaten smiley - smiley

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 35

Jo (Dead)


Oh well...Shame to let it go to waste...

*bites into the doughnut* smiley - smileysmiley - smiley

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 36


~Greebo eyes Jinx with concern~

Are you feeling alright??

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 37

a.k.a. good angel, bad angel

i agree miss cat...that doughnut looks slightly radioactive... smiley - smiley

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 38

Jo (Dead)

Oooh..I'm fine, it's the doughnut I'm worried about... smiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeye

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 39

a.k.a. good angel, bad angel

i don't think it looks too healty..is there a doctor here? smiley - smiley

*Knocks on the door* Part II

Post 40

Jo (Dead)


I don't need a doctor...

*passes out*
smiley - smiley

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