A Conversation for Greebo's Party!!!

Food for the Millennium!!!

Post 141

AEndr, The Mad Hatter


Food for the Millennium!!!

Post 142



I caught it. smiley - smiley

Twas a tastey chocolate one too. smiley - winkeye

Food for the Millennium!!!

Post 143

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

that's not fair!
I'm going to try again, and anyone interving in a negatory capacity will either have Kitty set upon them or gets no cake for a week! (or both if you really annoy me)


Food for the Millennium!!!

Post 144


*tempted to catch it again, but resists*

There, I do have will power after all. smiley - smiley

Food for the Millennium!!!

Post 145


~Greebo does a really quite amazing sidewards wriggle... and manages to catch the doughtnut squarely in her cavernous mouth~

~Greebo happily lies on her back... munching the doughnut~

HMmmmmmmm... groopilkkk....finnntleee... ~grin~

Food for the Millennium!!!

Post 146


we are going to need an industrial strength vacuum cleaner to get all those crumbs off the carpet.

Food for the Millennium!!!

Post 147



Do you think Greebo would waste valuable doughnut by leaving crumbs around? smiley - winkeye

Food for the Millennium!!!

Post 148


Hmmm... not much room to swing a doughnut in here... ~grin~... try this new forum out..


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