A Conversation for Greebo's Party!!!

Greebo Needs You!!

Post 81

pink_sparkley_fairy (whos really looking forwrd to reading festival)

i can sit on/near the twee an be all pwiddy.......
although i am pink an may bugger up any colour scheme....
merry crimbo greebo........i bought some doughnuts an a big bottle of bannan milkshake along.........hope u like........

Greebo Needs You!!

Post 82

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

So, WBB, are you happier yet? This is quite a party! smiley - smiley

Greebo Needs You!!

Post 83


I'm back from the land of recovering after getting another isue of the Post outsmiley - smiley

Have I missed anything??
smiley - fish

Greebo Needs You!!

Post 84


*hands Pastey a smiley - empty of Cherry Brandy*

No, just sit back and relax.

Greebo Needs You!!

Post 85

Roasted Amoeba

While the rest of us do the work... smiley - winkeye

Greebo Needs You!!

Post 86


*pours smiley - empty for self*

Well someone has to empty the bottles. smiley - winkeye

Greebo Needs You!!

Post 87


pass me one of those drinks please, i am finding myself a bit parched due to the fact i have been tiptoeing from forum to forum hanging mistletoe and testing it smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish

Greebo Needs You!!

Post 88


Sounds like you need a double. smiley - smiley

*passes |_| over the bar*

Hope you didn't tire your self out, we still have a party to go here. smiley - smiley

Greebo Needs You!!

Post 89


no worries there smiley - smiley....i still have plenty of pucker power now that you have been kind enough to share this wonderful |_| with me smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish

Greebo Needs You!!

Post 90


Good, can you look after things here while I "persuade" the gnomes to provide some more drinks. smiley - smiley

Greebo Needs You!!

Post 91


sure, no problems smiley - smiley i will just pass out some of these goodies to everyone i see helping decorate smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish

Greebo Needs You!!

Post 92


*The pile containing the rest of monsey's Mistletoe begins to shudder and shake -- Beeblefish's head pops up*

Ohhhhh ... is it Christmas yet? Did I hear something about a hangover milkshake ... pass one this way. smiley - smiley

Greebo Needs You!!

Post 93


*notices the beeblefish covered in mistletoe and kisses plants a kiss on the cheek*
monsy smiley - fish

Greebo Needs You!!

Post 94


*Beeblefish replies in kind, planting a quick kiss on monsey's lips while her husband is looking the other way* smiley - winkeye

Lovely party Greebster, can't wait till it actually starts!

*Beeblefish wanders over to the couch in the corner with a healthy mug of mulled wine, determined to write his Post proposal*

Greebo Needs You!!

Post 95


Hi bevreyoddy! Finally made it (panting from exertion & looking harassed)! My kids (Mair & Christopher) waylayed me as its the school holidays and I had to bring them along. Are kids allowed by the way - I promise they'll be good? They love cats - we've got five y'know... I'm game for a tin and seem to attract waifs and strays (that's how I got my hubbie!).

Oooh - I forgot - here's some cider and some paper chains the kids made... Mair, put Greebo down! (Sorry..)

Greebo Needs You!!

Post 96


Hi Gwennie... Welcome... Hi Mair annd Christopher...~great big Greebo type grin~... me loves children... you are certainly welcome...

Greebo Needs You!!

Post 97


I'm going on my crimbo hols today, so I will only be able to pop in occasionally, but I will keep an eye on the party! smiley - smiley
Suppose I had better get some wine whilst I still can, see ya round.

PS nice one Greebo smiley - smiley

Greebo Needs You!!

Post 98


Ta muchly Krunchy... ~smile~... have a good crimbo holiday ... take care... ~BSK~

Greebo Needs You!!

Post 99


hey greebo......where is the christmas music?? it is not christmas without music.....wait!, i got an idea!! gwen, do you mind if your angelic children sing a few carols?? i mean kids singing carols is soooo sweet and it would just make the perfect touch while we were putting all this together smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish

Greebo Needs You!!

Post 100

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

Aha, Greebz, now I know why you had a far away look while playing the tango - you've been thinking about this party!

Can I do anything to help here? I'm only around until Thursday, but I'll do what I can: perhaps I could be in charge of getting the brandy on the Christmas pud alight? Although our favourite walking firelighter is currently offline with a dodgy computer at the moment...

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