A Conversation for Endemol: Realism in Big Brother UK.

Peer Review: A22743614 - Endemol: Realism in Big Brother UK.

Post 1


Entry: Endemol: Realism in Big Brother UK. - A22743614
Author: robbwindow - U2271089

Big Brother needs to get real. This review uses Chomsky, Barthes, Hill, Todorov, Jim Carrey and many more to explain realism of U.K. Big Brother.

A22743614 - Endemol: Realism in Big Brother UK.

Post 2

McKay The Disorganised

Well - I tried because its an interesting idea. However, research Research Research.

Start by finding out the difference between utopia and distopia.

smiley - cider

A22743614 - Endemol: Realism in Big Brother UK.

Post 3


Distopia a binary opposite that seems contray to my article submitted however it seems an acceptable anti thesis, thanks 4 the feedback.

A22743614 - Endemol: Realism in Big Brother UK.

Post 4


This is a university project, right?

You will have to make some changes before it fits the h2g2 format.

Put it in GuideML; look up the GuideML Clinic A187229

Take out first-person references and irrelevancies, viz
>Footnote: Russell Brand has announced that he has quit. Edemol this week just purchased The Hammer house of Horror a new element am sure that may influence the format or comedy genre of big brother in UK. Meanwhile this week begins a new episode of big brother. The only contestants I’ve met who has been on big brother is Goldie, Bez and Ken. I have met all the comedians who host the shows and have just noticed a new advert on the web-site ‘Celebrity Big Bubble’ “Stay in and get tanked”, Marilyn Manson appears to be the winner.

Put the references to books into footnotes, and give the name of a book at its first mention, not just the authors and page-numbers. The bibliography should be in real footnotes, not a final paragraph called "footnote". If you wish to list books not quoted or cited in the body of the entry, put them in under a header "Further Reading" or some such.

Tidy up the grammar, e.g.
> The name ‘Big Brother’ have origins from George Orwell’s idea

A22743614 - Endemol: Realism in Big Brother UK.

Post 5

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

Looking at this, this seems to be heading towards personal opinion, or at least not fittign in with the writing guidelines for first-person usage. Have a look for the writing guidelines (don't have link handy ATM) and see what we want for entries in Peer Review



A22743614 - Endemol: Realism in Big Brother UK.

Post 6


A53209 Writing for the Edited Guide

A22743614 - Endemol: Realism in Big Brother UK.

Post 7


rob, will you be doing any more work on this?

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