A Conversation for Endemol: Realism in Big Brother UK.

Realism: Endemol's Big Brother

Post 1


Project Title: Realism in television with big brother as the example.
A-number of Project Title Page: 2,000 words
Description of Project: Display a good knowledge of Branston and Staffords Media book of Realism through the audience, its aims and objectives, Proposed Completion Date: 14 days from now it should be submitted.

Realism: Endemol's Big Brother

Post 2

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish


I think you might find it helpful to have a look through the infomation pages of the H2G2 university and previous submissions in order to figure out how to format and present your project

Thread Moved

Post 3

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Faculty of Arts and Entertainment' to 'Endemol: Realism in Big Brother UK.'.

Not a project, two duplicated entries, neither of which made it into the Edited Guide:
A22743614 Endemol: Realism in Big Brother UK.
A22210697 Realism: Endemol's Big Brother

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