A Conversation for Waterguns - Shoot to thrill

Shoot to thrill

Post 81


*But his ice-machine freezes all the water from Katsy's machine, creating a wall of ice between them that neither can get through*

Shoot to thrill

Post 82

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Damn you BB! *dials a secret number from her phone and orders another machine, except this one is deadlier*

Just you wait smiley - winkeye

Shoot to thrill

Post 83


Me? Me? I was perfectly content with a standard water pistol - you're the one who started this "my weapon's better than your weapon".
I don't know - Katsys and toys...

Shoot to thrill

Post 84

Katsy a.k.a. Esti


Shoot to thrill

Post 85

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

A ghostly, wet, image materialises on the floor....

Shoot to thrill

Post 86


What, you killed us, Katsy?
That's not very nice. smiley - sadface

Shoot to thrill

Post 87

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

A spooky blood-curdling yell fills the forum. "Where's my gun?"

Shoot to thrill

Post 88

Miss Jeni

Woh, this is really getting violent..

Honestly, wherever Katsy ends up.. people end up dying


Better run before you get me too smiley - smiley

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