A Conversation for The Quite Interesting Society

QI - Ad Hoc

Post 141


This one dead, Clive???

smiley - biggrin

QI - Ad Hoc

Post 142


Wakey Wakey Elf!!!!

smiley - biggrin

QI - Ad Hoc

Post 143

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

I lost my scoring grid for this QI and found it again yesterday when I was tidying.

I was just thinking about QI again and what new clues I might come up with and what I should do with this one.

As it is the weekend I'll wrap this one up score it and then move on to some new (hopefully) better QIs.

QI - Ad Hoc

Post 144


smiley - okClive!!

Good to see you are still live and kicking!!

smiley - biggrin

QI - Ad Hoc

Post 145

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

I've not been around as much, that's true, but there's life in this old bird yet! smiley - winkeye

QI - Ad Hoc

Post 146


smiley - cheerssmiley - laugh

QI - Ad Hoc

Post 147

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Not forgotten, just been a bit preoccupied and ill.

Also been thinking up some new QIs think I've got some good 'uns but it's a wrench between try them out now or give em more time to settle iron out the kinks?

I posted this one a bit too quickly see and I think the flaws showed as it was quiet hard to solve.

QI - Ad Hoc

Post 148

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Okey-dokey, here are the scores thus far.

QI - Ad Hoc smiley - thief

Correct smiley - diva (+3)

QI Bonus smiley - eureka (+6)
Bob Stafford (26) - "Body Swap"

DGI Bonus smiley - doh (+1)
Bob Stafford (26) - "*Local* Police"
Geggs (33) - "Took a lot of planning."
Gandalf's Twin (54) - "Put your message where the maximum number of people will see it."
Gandalf's Twin (66) - "Staying out late or going out early."
Hygienic Dispenser (69) "Things moved from where they were supposed to be."
Geggs (73) - Students
Geggs (73) - Pranks
Arg0n (85) - "A model of the eagle."
Mu (90) - Dome (domo smiley - ok)
Hygienic Dispenser (116) - "crazy anarchic physics professors stickin' it to The Man!"
Gandalf's Twin (127) - "*Urban* running."
Hygienic Dispener (128) - "Drunken Urban Climbing."
Kilted (129) - Smelly cruiser and some bent tin foil"
Taff (137) - A Monorail

Klaxon smiley - bluelight(-5)
Gandalf's Twin (32) - "In A Museum"
Rod (105) - "Hacking the Interwebs."
Hygienic Dispenser (111) - Post Graduation Ritual.
Geggs (120) - "Fraternity/Sorority Hazing

Elf Bonus smiley - elf (+2)

Current Scores:
Bob +7
Clive +2
Argon +1
Mu +1
Kilted +1
Taff +1
Geggs -2
Gandalf's Twin -2
Hygienic Dispenser -2
Rod -5

Some fairly large undifferentiated groups in there, and reading back the answer was never quiet reached so I can either

a) call it quits, write up the solution and we move on.


b) someone can try to get the all important +3 score to move them ahead of the rest of the field.

Over to you, minions....

QI - Ad Hoc

Post 149

Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller

I've just returned from a longish hiatus and it's way too late to jump in on a QI but I'll have a look tomorrow that's for suresmiley - smiley

QI - Ad Hoc

Post 150

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Welcome back Keith.

I've not been about much either - been thinking of new QIs this morning. smiley - smiley

QI - Ad Hoc

Post 151

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Going once, going twice.... final call before the points given above stand.

QI - Ad Hoc

Post 152


Nothing from here.

QI - Ad Hoc

Post 153

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

It has until the morning, I'll have to collect up my notes from before and review them to do the write up as I can remember the general gist of it but the specifics.

QI - Ad Hoc

Post 154

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

The key to this QI was the phenomenon of Urban Exploration known to some as "Hacking" - the unauthorised exploration of tunnels and roofspaces.

In pursuit of this, there have been a number of stunts pulled most notably at MIT The Massacheusets Institute of Technology.

These stunts have included a mock-up of the campus police squad car being placed on the dome.


"The car turned out to be the outer metal parts of a Chevrolet Cavalier attached to a multi-piece wooden frame, all carefully assembled on the roof over the course of one night. The hackers paid special attention to detail. Not only had the Chevy been painted to look just like a Campus Police car from all sides, but a dummy dressed up as a police officer sat within, with a toy disc gun and a box of doughnuts. The car, numbered pi, also sported a pair of fuzzy dice, the license number IHTFP, an MIT Campus Police parking ticket ("no permit for this location"), and a yellow diamond-shaped sign on the back window proclaiming "I break for doughnuts."

In 2009, The Apollo Moon lander was erected on the site


Earlier that year a solar-powered sub-way car


And in 2008 - the working flush lavtory appeared not on the Dome but on the roof of Building 37


In 1990, the hackers hid the entrance to the President's Office.


A complete list of the MIT "Hacks" can be found here.

"Ad Hoc" came not from MITs IHTFP(I hate this ****ing place) but was from Rival Columbia Uni in New York, which has an extensive tunnel network.

Ken Hechtman is one of the most infamous former Columbia tunnelers. In 1986, he led an underground group of tunnelling students called AD HOC (Allied Destructive Hackers of Columbia). Hechtman was expelled during his first year at Columbia for stealing Uranium-238 along with many dangerous chemicals including Chloroform and Pure Caffeine

smiley - thief

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