A Conversation for The Quite Interesting Society

QI ....May be a Quicky!!!

Post 41


Drifting slightly, I always feel sorry for thrushes. Beautiful birds. But not only do they suffer from being associated with a vaginal yeast infection, but their species name is...Turdus.
That's just not fair.

QI ....May be a Quicky!!!

Post 42


And the Babblers, rare visitors from North Africa are the Turdoids!!

Not Fair, is it, HD?

smiley - smiley

QI ....May be a Quicky!!!

Post 43


smiley - laugh Those are new to me. Thanks GT.

QI ....May be a Quicky!!!

Post 44


(Post 41, Genus, not species, sorry)

QI ....May be a Quicky!!!

Post 45


As I said HD

In HFP there are 36 listed twin-names, and the triplet Lagofus, (Willow Grouse)

smiley - biggrin

QI ....May be a Quicky!!!

Post 46


My birding knowledge is quite limited, I'm afraid. My watching is mainly limited to my own garden. But I do read stuff. And I love words. Which is why "Troglodytes troglodytes", once encountered is, for me, never forgotten. And hopefully so for a few more people as a result of this QI.
smiley - cheers

QI ....May be a Quicky!!!

Post 47


Passing on knowledge to others......

My most enjoyable purpose in life, HD!!

smiley - biggrin

QI ....May be a Quicky!!!

Post 48

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

I didn't partake, as a little too easy for me, but just a quick point.

>>Puffinus Puffinus - Puffin<<

It is actually Puffinus puffinus and is the Manx Shearwater. It was named after it's chicks, known as fatlings which were cooked and eaten due to the ease in which they were caught. This was probably corrupted to pophyn, in middle-English. It is a possibility that the cbirds were confused with Puffins, as they are both burrowing nesters and share the same areas and, occasionally the same burrow...

smiley - ok


smiley - musicalnote

QI ....May be a Quicky!!!

Post 49


the Puffin is Fratercula arctica. Fratercula for the monks that used to eat it as a fish on Friday, and arctica for some cold place where it lives. smiley - smiley

QI ....May be a Quicky!!!

Post 50


Oh no, I knew that one! smiley - sadface

QI ....May be a Quicky!!!

Post 51


.........and my deliberate mistake was spotted!!

Well Done!!

smiley - laugh

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