Tufty's Stretcher Entries

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I took part in The Stretcher, h2g2's very own Strictly Come Writing. Here are my entries to the competition, each with the total score given by the judges or, later on, the place in which each judge ranked it:

  1. Shell Shock (20/30)1
  2. The Misuse of Drugs Act (1971) (24/30)2
  3. To My Endless Valentine (21/30)3
  4. Denial of Service Attacks (15/20)4
  5. All The Time In The World (14/20)5
  6. Noel's House Party (21/30)6
  7. Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova (24/30)7.
  8. Spell Checkers - A Warning (3rd and 5th from five)8
  9. In a name... (1st, 5th, 5th and 1st from five)9.
  10. Ill-Fitting Bras (5th, 4th and 3rd from five)10.

I finally went out when the final five became the final three, so I suppose that places me joint fourth. My entries for rounds one, two, four, six, seven, eight and ten are now Edited Entries. Meanwhile my entry for round five is on its way into the h2g2 UnderGuide.

- Alex Ashman

1Challenge: write about something with 'Shell' in the title.2Challenge: write about something 'emotionally overblown' which causes a fuss amongst the 'unwashed masses'.3Challenge: write a love poem using one of the first three adjectives from your previous entry.4Challenge: write a piece where the last word of every sentence contains a double letter.5Challenge: write about a famous event entirely in the present tense, so as to create a snapshot of events.6Challenge: defend the indefensible.7Write about a person with a trait opposite to one of the 'deadly sins', but who ends up causing something bad to happen anyway.8Challenge: write an entry that breaks the guideline 'Don't try too hard to be funny'.9Challenge: write a fiction piece of less than 1,500 words about a 'most memorable night in the tropics' that must be 'sophisticated'.10Challenge: write something 'from a female perspective'.

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