A Conversation for Predicting the Future

The future, and how it will be similarly different

Post 1

Researcher 79523

Porn will still account for at least 50% of what is going on on the 'net.

Of the other 50%, 25% will be stuff referring directly or indirectly to porn.

In that 25%, there will be 15% which are propaganda from the religious (whatever religion) right saying bad things about the porn industry.

Of the other 25% which won't be related to porn, 20% will be complete and utter crap (or gibberish).

Of the other 5%, 4% will be "404 error, file not found on this server" messages.

The last 1% will comprise H2G2 and other interesting stuff to which H2G2 links to. (I haven't seen PORN referenced to here, but I haven't seen the whole site either... Who has?)

I have another prediction : after reading this post, someone will claim that they have seen the whole site, but they will be proven wrong. (If you don't believe me, check your logic, it is always possible to disprove this affirmation because someone need only post something before telling the claimant that he hasn't seen that post. QED.)

I also predict that there will be no major disasters caused by the Y2K bug. I'm a computer programmer, I hope I know what I'm talking about.

The future, and how it will be similarly different

Post 2

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

Oh freak!
No millullium disasters?!
Why not?

The future, and how it will be similarly different

Post 3

Rocket Rod

Computer Programer!!
Ya'know that's the oldest profession
in the world.
They created the CHAOS that the GODS
had to sort out in the first place!

The future, and how it will be similarly different

Post 4


I thought that computer programmer build the virus programs for 2YK which would cause the disaster....

The future, and how it will be similarly different

Post 5

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

Yeah right Saddam,

and God is the chicken with the devil being the egg.
My mother is a snow shovel; we are all just the imagination of ourselves relatively speaking with your mouth into the wind of change.
here's tom with the weather.

No hard feelings please, but you're, like, gonna have to back that one. smiley - smiley

The future, and how it will be similarly different

Post 6

Researcher 79523


If there ARE disasters, they probably won't stem from the Y2K bug, but from the incompetence of the people who will instead blame their errors on the BUG, and get away with it.

Oh, some people's PCs might refuse to execute some programs, ATMs might be a little slow to respond and phone systems might get clogged, but they won't STOP.

All the businesses and governments who could lose money from not being prepared WILL BE PREPARED because of the money they could lose...

And you know that, after sex, money rules the world!!!

The future, and how it will be similarly different

Post 7

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

And an iron rule it is.

The future, and how it will be similarly different

Post 8


Hey, I did not meant you...i mean only programmers can build viruses, am I right? You overreact my joke, sorry.
Beside, it is Semadam, and has nothing to do with Saddam....

The future, and how it will be similarly different

Post 9

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

Anyway, the chicken is just the egg's way of making another egg...

The future, and how it will be similarly different

Post 10

Researcher 79523

The problem was, Y2K is a BUG, but it it NOT A VIRUS!

It simply stems from programmers wanting to save a little memory (RAM, Hard Drive Space, etc.)

I don't know why you brought up viruses, but I can think of a way in which someone might build a virus, call it Y2K, and let it go active at 00:00, january 1st.
Just to do some havok.

This is potentially more dangerous than the Y2K bug itself.

This could cause the disasters I don't think the Y2K bug could cause.

In fact, if your machine isn't Y2K compliant, it would be invulnerable to such a virus, since it would never get to the aforementioned time.

The future, and how it will be similarly different

Post 11

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

let us do this thing then!

And Semadam:
I would have overreacted if you had said something about dolphins being flippy, since I was in a very overreacting mood.
It is fun to do once in a while, but next time I'll warn my audience.
Though that would make it less fun.
What's wriong with the name Saddam? Just a typo error smiley - winkeye

The future, and how it will be similarly different

Post 12


What's wrong with it?!? Ask someone from the Middle East....and CIA, maybe.
And I'm sorry, I did not know, what a bug is, I thought you meant viruses.

The future, and how it will be similarly different

Post 13

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

Oh C'mon, just because one man went a little power hungry
and reclaimed some land for which he was exorbitantly punished, doesn't mean the name Saddam is now contaminated forever?

surely now.

The future, and how it will be similarly different

Post 14

Researcher 79523

Oh. Did I sound hostile?

I tend to get a little bit frustrated by the ignorance of other people (I'm not saying you're ignorant in general, simply that you didn't know that thing about bugs and viruses...)

That's inspired me for a few entries...

I get frustrated, but not hostile. I understand that not everyone knows all I know about computers (which is more than most, but never enough, it seems...) in the same way that I, for example, don't know much about cars...

That reminds me : here is another prediction : in the next millenium, people in general will progressively know more and more about computers... There, that kept this post in line with the subject of this thread...

So, here I go again : you don't even have to apologize for not knowing. Many people call viruses "bugs". Be they biological or digital in nature...

Anyway, this place is THE GUIDE, it's a place where you're supposed to learn something you didn't previously know. So you learned something. Now teach us something in return...

The future, and how it will be similarly different

Post 15

Researcher 79523

Ok, the post I am replying to here (and parts of the discussion preceding it) inspired an Entry for me.

It's my first one.

Go check it out, if you dare...


So, if you still think I was hostile to you, Semadam, read this, and please accept my thanks for inspiring me.

The future, and how it will be similarly different

Post 16

Researcher 79523

Sorry, I didn't use the preview button to check if the link was clickable...

Here I go again...


The future, and how it will be similarly different

Post 17

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

Are you talking to me?


I don't see no one else around,
so you must be talking to me!

Semadam, either you give this guy what he deserves
or i'll be doing it for you...

The future, and how it will be similarly different

Post 18


I read the article, and I know now the difference, thank you!
I´m sorry, I could not participate because of the weekend - I´m in a college computer room....

The future, and how it will be similarly different

Post 19

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)


I apologise for my last entry.
Felt a little 'taxi driver' attitude coming on.

I'll try to refrain from such remarks in future.

I also read your entry on bugs and viruses and found it to be
absolute BOLLOCKS crap NO GOOD kick the baby ETC.

My Bob, what have I done?
smiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeye

The future, and how it will be similarly different

Post 20


Taxi driver???
Hey, just like me. Read my article "h@G@ getting aggressive".
I was so upset (partly because of you) that I mistyped H2G2, which is really the last.
I'm in trouble with the f...school. No idea how to solve. And I haven't been at home (see: fiancee) since 2 months. I'm visiting this site to laugh a bit. Then a taxi driver crosses my road.....OK. I stop now, before anyone else does.smiley - smiley

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