A Conversation for The Aces' Home Page

Forum participation

Post 101


Well, what about "Multiple meanings within Baroque music" as the field, but restricting it to a small number of specific examples - perhaps 4 or 5 case studies - taking pieces (or at least composers) that everybody knows, but explaining their double\multiple meanings using extracts from original texts. The aim would be to get people to listen to the piece(s) again - now able to hear different things because of what they know?
*crunches on digestive biscuit*
What do you reckon? smiley - bigeyes

Forum participation

Post 102


Hmmm that sounds fair enough. Yes, I think thats a good idea. smiley - smiley

*nods sagely*

*eats a biscuit*

Forum participation

Post 103


OK. I've had some time to think about it, and I've tidied the idea up somewhat. Once more, I'd like to enlist your help.
I have drafted a Project entry in the style suggested by the Admissions Office. Before I apply, please would you read and review it? Once I've heard from you, and taken up your suggestions, I'll submit an application - proposed start date next week (why delay?) smiley - bigeyes
I'd be delighted if you'd come on board as part of the team. Could you also give me some guidance on how to recruit? (Your astronomy team has been a great success - loved the item on binary stars, wink...wink...wink... smiley - winkeye )
I have a fair sized library (hard copy) of material, including access to some original material and contemporary references (which is why I named 4 Seasons and Goldberg) - this will get things rolling. After that, the team would need to do some serious research. Eek!
The draft Project is reference A403435, or available from my new, improved homepage.
I look forward to hearing from you. smiley - bigeyes
*gets busy in kitchen*
.. tea and cakes coming up. smiley - bigeyes

Forum participation

Post 104


Well, these biscuits have taken three days to make, so they'd better be good. Don't panic. It was 0.05 days to mix ingredients (including brandy), 2.9 days for mixture to sit and mature, and 0.05 days to cook. Only some of them are black - you can have one of the paler ones.
*Sets out plate of goodies and the inevitable tea*
I found the Satie pieces (eventually). If you ever see\hear of them, they are:
Volume 3 of Satie's piano music,
"Sports et divertissements"

They are lots of short pieces (from 1 bar to 1 page) with accompanying verse or test, which is to be read before the pieces are played. They're pictorial, and quite good fun. For example, one is called "Le Golf". It ends with: "The colonel is there. Look how he measures his shot. His club bursts into splinters!".

The first piece is one bar long, called introduction, with the text: "Written on an empty stomach" - and it sounds like it smiley - bigeyes

BTW - please don't forget to read my posting immediately before this one - your comments are highly valued.
BCNU - one of these days! smiley - bigeyes

Forum participation

Post 105


That seems a cool idea. I recruited (I've listed everyone who helped in any way, whether or not they knew it or not - there were already some approved entries on the topic) by asking people who I knew knew something about physics/astronomy to write about a planet.

I'm more than willing to help it looks like a fascinating project, but I have to warn you I don't know very much more than the basics as far as baroque is concerned.

But I've read the project and I definitely think you should submit it...

*has a biscuit... mmmmm.... & has some tea*

Forum participation

Post 106


That's sound advice. OK I'll register the project, with you on the "volunteers" list for starters. Your knowledge (basic or otherwise) is only one factor - you've got a good reviewer's eye - you can make the items much more readable. I might also look for the person who submitted the Purcell article. He might want to join in. Besides, that article, plus a ref. to your DandA piece ... and it's moving already.
*swallows biscuit and tea in enthusiastic haste and rushes off to the Uni Admissions office*
I'll be back!

Forum participation

Post 107


Cool! smiley - smiley I always think that stuff about music will be useful when the guide gets a little more easily mobile, 'cause its like... 'I'm thinking about going to a concert, will I like the music? I know! I'll look it up on h2g2' smiley - smiley

*watches Kes dash*

Forum participation

Post 108


*rushes back in; settles down*
There. Done ... well, application submitted, anyway. Now we wait to hear back from them. Yes - what you suggested is a good requirement to adopt - the articles must help the reader to enjoy the music, and should provide them some "added value" (like clues) which will give them a way of listening to it that they (perhaps) hadn't anticipated.
*pockets a couple of biscuits*
Sorry, J, I must dash back to RW now. I'll let you know what the Uni. says.
Have a great day .. and another biscuit smiley - bigeyes
See you later.

Forum participation

Post 109


*has another biscuit to give her strength to get through the day smiley - winkeye*

Forum participation

Post 110


*nibbles at the last non-blackened biscuit; decides to use the rest of them for loft insulation and wasp-repellent. Sets out a packet of custard creams instead. Leaves note on table*
No reply from the Uni. yet. See you later

Forum participation

Post 111


*takes a custard cream as an incredibly long past midnight snack*

laters smiley - smiley

Forum participation

Post 112


*wanders through, counts custard creams, smiles* smiley - bigeyes

Forum participation

Post 113


*has another biscuit, this time for breakfast*

Forum participation

Post 114


That's a good idea! Tea and biscuits. I'll join you.
I've been hamming up the "dumb anorak" in the Survivors forum and:
a) I can't stay in character
b) I'm dying for a cup of tea and a few sane words.
Good morning. How's life?

Forum participation

Post 115


Its really nice and sunny this morning smiley - smiley i don't know if it'll last but stil... and we're having my mother's cousin to stay for a few days and he's going to take me to Old Trafford for the first day of the test match on Thursday smiley - bigeyes

Forum participation

Post 116


Envy, envy. haven't been there (or to a Test) for years. Enjoy! Watch out for floating sofas and white robots.
Still haven't heard from the Uni. How long did they take with your Astronomy application?

Forum participation

Post 117


Well they asked me to be a guinea pig, so it didn't arise...
Peta's running it, and she's busy trying to get the scout and guru scheme into place, so it may take a couple of days. Don't worry... smiley - smiley

Excitement: Next door's rabbit has strayed into our garage!

Forum participation

Post 118


I shall try to stay relaxed and academic for a couple of days. I got all fired up last night - talking with a guy who used to lecture at the local Uni. - he's a musician, and I got him talking about some of the "goodies" that Bach hid inside his preludes and fugues - and in the Goldberg book ... so I'm all impatient.
So I'll sit down with a cup of tea and relax, while you go after the rabbit.
Oh - if it's white, and in a hurry, and it goes down a hole .... be careful smiley - bigeyes

Forum participation

Post 119


Happily its grey, and has been removed by its owner's charming grandfather, so everything is all right, and next door's little boy has a smile on his face...
...were you thinking I should perhaps change my name to Alice? smiley - winkeye

Forum participation

Post 120


No, Jo. No change required. (The opposite of a 'phone box - no change given) smiley - bigeyes
Have a good day. I regret I must depart.
Keep the kettle boiling - see you soon. smiley - bigeyes

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