A Conversation for The Aces' Home Page

Forum participation

Post 81


I've just heard the company's changed their hiring policy & aren't looking for ppl for summer especially any more smiley - sadface

& I'm going to have to do some advertising now, to get ppl to comment on my new entries... the planets I'm not bothered about but the other ones I am...

Forum participation

Post 82


smiley - sadface I'm sorry to hear that smiley - sadface . Work may be a drag, but the money is sonewhat essential. I hope you manage to find something else. Cheer up - remember smiley - smiley happiness can't buy you money! No, I think I got that wrong smiley - smiley
I reckon I should try to make a contribution to the h2g2 pool of information, so I'll make some time next week to draft a few possible entries, then let them mature and improve for a bit. Would you consider casting an eye over them when they're drafted?
There looks to be quite a backlog awaiting sub-editing and approval. Is there a mechanism for reviewing and updating existing entries? Or has that got lost in the backlog?

Forum participation

Post 83


There's supposed to be, however my proposed changes to the alpha centauri entry haven't happened yet, I think either it takes ages or they've forgotten about that one. I'm tempted to submit my modifications so that the subeditor can edit it...

Sure I'll look at your entries smiley - smiley I look forward to seeing them...

Forum participation

Post 84


Thank you. Now I've "promised" to do something I shall feel obliged to deliver. (I have to trick myself like that - I'm very good at creative work avoidance).
Though now I have to come up with something that I know something worthwhile about, and that hasn't been done to death already. Thinking hat on!
*puts Mozart music and kettle on - both are supposed to inspire!*
smiley - smiley

Forum participation

Post 85


Yay! Mozart! Tea! what more could one ask for?? smiley - winkeye well....

I'm good at putting stuff off too. & I guess I should try to go offline so's they can tell me I didn't get the job smiley - winkeye

Forum participation

Post 86


Hardly seems like the most cheerful way to start the day, but i sort of follow the logic. smiley - smiley
I'll hang around here (if you don't mind) for one more cuppa before I have to take to the RW again.
*pours more and sups*

Forum participation

Post 87


Sorry - must go now. Have an amazingly good Fri.+weekend. I leave you with the strains of Wolfie A.M.
*washes cup, bows, leaves*

Forum participation

Post 88


smiley - smiley me? mad in the morning?

Forum participation

Post 89


No, you? Never!
Here we are. The kettle is on, the cups have been washed, we have three varieties of biscuit.
Would you like another cushion?
*(Thinks: Am I overdoing this? Will she notice?)*
Now that you're settled, I have a favour to ask ...
You indicated that you'd take a look at my efforts. When you have the time, would you give me your comments on this draft : A400645 ?
*Puts on some early 20th century French music - for reasons that will become clear*
Thanks in anticipation, by the way!

Forum participation

Post 90


*thinks while waiting for page to load in other window... Debussy? Ravel? Satie?*

*page loads- Ravel! second choice!*

*helps self to a biscuit & cuppa & goes offline to read entry*

Forum participation

Post 91


Good guesses! They all get a mention, but Ravel wins by a head.
They're all great to listen to, but I decide my favourite by playing them.
Debussy needs more time and patience than I can usually afford - sorry Claude.
Satie is musical, but I'm not always in that good a mood. He's just too happy to be a composer smiley - smiley (He did some great kids' pieces, with the music describing things like fat golfers missing their strokes, though).

Though I've already said this, thanks, thanks, thanks, for your review comments. smiley - bigeyessmiley - bigeyes .
In honour of your services, I have brought a couple of Viennese "melting moments". The pastry outers are so "short" and buttery, and as for the cream in the middle ....
Enjoy. Now brewing ..

Forum participation

Post 92


Ooooh I *love* melting moments....smiley - bigeyes mmmmm....

Satie's the only one I can play, but then again I'm not a pianist...smiley - smiley I do like the Gnossienes, specially since I usually play piano to cheer up...

Forum participation

Post 93


Yes - they're good. I'll look up a couple of other titles - you can see if you like them. smiley - bigeyes
Best grab a last cuppa in case the upgrade strikes us. Being in that business I'm always paranoid about "upgrades". As long as we don't come out of this one with too many extra heads and limbs, I suppose it'll be OK smiley - bigeyes

Forum participation

Post 94


*crosses her fingers*

*after having had another biscuit*

*and cup of tea*

See you on the other side smiley - winkeye

Forum participation

Post 95


*gets stuck into fresh pot of tea*
Welcome to the other side, as it were.
I've been zooming around conversations at a great rate - so far I like the changes. How do you rate them?
Things got extra busy yesterday - I didn't have a chance to look up those Satie pieces - I'll try again for tomorrow - sorry!

Forum participation

Post 96


I love it. Its so cool to have a link directly to the end of the conversation. smiley - smiley This is how fora are meant to be, I think.

*sips tea*

Forum participation

Post 97


Agreed. Life is much easier. Mind you, I have a large supply of "&latest=1"s in my cupboard - don't know what to do with them!

Thanks for your comment in support of the Ravel item - much appreciated. Haven't forgotten I promised to look up some Satie titles - some member of the family has made of with one of my books, so I'm on hold for that one! (The perils of a musical houselhold!) smiley - bigeyes
*Thirst strikes - pours large mug of tea*
I had one idea for a possible article - tell me what you think. Most Baroque music had an underlying "code", a double or secret meaning. What about taking a popular Baroque piece and providing a "decode" from original source material? ... Or is that too obscure? Some of the hidden meanings give ouy a whole new way of listening to, or playing the music.

Forum participation

Post 98


I think it would be worth giving it a go. Then you'd be able to see if it could make sense, and even ask some non musicians to look at it, to see if they can make sense of it. I always find stuff like that fascinatng...

Forum participation

Post 99


*pours large mug of tea; gulps*
Ah. Needed that. Amy's dishing out birthday drinks at the F and F.
Good morning smiley - bigeyes
Thanks for the advice. I was thinking about the topic during the day, and realised it could expand quite a lot if I don't control it (which is OK). So - more advice please. As an insider, do you think I should try setting up a Music Dept. at h2g2 Univ, and getting some help, or would I be better to go solo?

Forum participation

Post 100


I think a music field would be great. I'd certainly contribute if I could and I'm sure you'd be able to find some others to, depending on what period you chose...

You have to pick a narrow, achievable field, to stop it all getting out of hand smiley - bigeyes But I think a music field would be a good idea, thing is, what to do it on?

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