A Conversation for The Aces' Home Page


Post 341

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I'm surprised that a hootooer has started spamming though. You'd think people'd know better here smiley - erm


Post 342

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Hmm, the term spamming might appear harsh, possibly *singularly exuberant* though *pestering* comes to mind. smiley - winkeye


Post 343


has any one said anthing to them then????


Post 344

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Oh I think so. It was some time back. Anyway, I only pointed to this as one example of how things can go wrong when people *welcome*. smiley - erm


Post 345


yeh ifthe people who are welcomeing dont know what there doing in regards to working links but if they have had some experiance i cant see how it it can couse problems and it helps keep the list down

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