A Conversation for The Aces' Home Page


Post 141


Ouch? It was merely an observation. Obviously the Aces in Britain are going to see most of the new users because they're online when most of the new users join. As for the new users list being days long, I can only say I haven't seen this. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, I'm saying I haven't seen it.


Post 142

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Believe me, it does happen smiley - erm


Post 143

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Quite often too sadly.


Post 144

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

broelan, the "Ouch" must have been me *in the reading* of your prior post then. A loaded question rather than just your 'obervarion', I read it as, no biggy.

The *big list*, day's yep it does happen, once I though nobody had done a welcome for 5 day's. Then to fix it, the few doing the work of the many as per usual. From the outside looking in, a post to the ACE forum pointing the 5 day no-action may not be so welcome... Back to asking the 'known safe' people to take action, back to square one.

I'd just thought to have a 'vote for your favourite ACE' thread, but that would be wrong, so wrong. smiley - evilgrin


Post 145


Researcher 210501.....

No i never left my self a welcome i dont need to i have been around long enough to find my way about what i left was a note to Aces found my account that i didnt need a welcome

i cant see how pre worning Aces would help it stil comes up on the welcome page so if they happen to be off line it dosent matter which Ace you have told you would still get a welcome if they forget to pass on the message and it might not get around to every Ace with the difference in time zone


some one tuched on a good point with the time difference there should be a Ace/Aces on after we in the uk have gone to bed but yet the list is biger the next day and left to the same people to welcome time after time

if im asked not to welcome people then i wont its a siple as that regardless of whatever right i have to or used to welcome newbies


Post 146

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

smiley - erm Intern, if you was an ACE and you "left a note" you have in effect done a 'first post' to a new account, the act happened, the content was the variable.

I've created accounts and put ** so Jordan could leave that one to last.

Did I just name an ACE that does 'the work' *shocker*. smiley - tongueout


Post 147


But its not a welcome its a note

A welcome is hello and welcome to h2g2 etc etc a note is remind yourself or tell others something they might need to know in your absence so its not a welcome


Post 148

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

After you left the 'note' did you disappear from the newbie list?

smiley - bigeyes


Post 149


no becouse i didnt click on my name at the new users list i went from log in to/register to my page


Post 150

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Intern: So your an ACE (or was at the time) that left a note that could have been anything if not an ACE welcome, on a newbie account that you created, but did'nt remove yourself from the newbie list, when you could have, saving any other ACE time if you had just selected the newbie accouht as a an ACE doing it? Intern, DOH! OK to forget to do it is one thing, but an ACE not ACEing their own secondary account yikes!

Is there a current ACE that can answer this (Oh OK I'm hope SEF is about)... Can a non-ACE goto the newbie list, select themself, and welcome themself, or does a "ACE flag" have to be set on the Researcher number/Sign-in attemting to remove an 'item' from the list?


Post 151


yes you can only remove them if you go to the newbie list pick a name then leave a message there gone

if you leave a message for yourself/some one els leaves a message there not through that method it has a * next to it if you get ** some one has left a message on there but its not a officall welcome becouse there still on the list

i cant remember if i took myself off the list it was some time ago i do appologise


Post 152

fords - number 1 all over heaven

You can indeed take yourself off the list by posting a message to yourself, which would give your name ** but a lot of ACEs don't always check the ** to see if there has been an ACE greeting or not (I've been guilty of not checking the ** recently *holds hands in the air*).


Post 153

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Nah, more than just ACEs I was wondering if just anybody could pick a name from <./>NewUsers</.> even those without an ACE badge and self-welcome. Not just go to their own personal space and be "the first." Would linking from <./>NewUsers</.> do the trick.

Then I was wondering why only * or ** nothing to show it was an ACE that has visited, not just a into done or *a post* has happened. You can't tell unless you go and look, seems like effort is required. smiley - erm


Post 154

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I'm thinking it surely wouldn't be too hard to write a bit of code so that on the New Users page you could tell at a glance if an ACE has been there? It would certainly save a lot of trouble in the long run smiley - erm


Post 155




Post 156

Nephew Who

Nephew Who balancing a long link in his hands
"How about < <./>NewUsers?unittype=month&timeunits=12&skip=465&thissite=1&Filter=off</.> >

I do not care about wether or not these have been greeted by or how, it is just so you can see the change in
'Reseacher 21####' on the 12th of october
to all named on the 13th of october

The newusers get their login name as default nick name, so everybody has a nick name from the very fist glimpse on the newusers or online.

Oh yes naming the Researcher by their nickname _is_ a security thread!


Post 157

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Well SEF, I got as far a post 20 on the first one, and came to the conclusion there is nothing new.

Then the dates, from Feb 2003 to Sep 2004. It's a waste of time thinking about anything that could be productive really. I may end up on pre-mod my self, but I can save the italcs some time... Bye.


Post 158


smiley - ok lets see

can any one pick a name:

this is still under argument there are no rules to say you cant welcome new users if your not a Ace but the Aces would rather no one but Aces did the welcomes becouse in a few cases where they have done a welcome the links have not gone to the places they have meant to in one or two i have found there was no links to any where on the site this means the Aces then have to find them again and do a proper welcome this can be time consuming exsercise

i think this is what you mean self welcomeing:

If you are a existing user who opens another account and you dont need a welcome then yes go to the newusers and remove yourself from the list this shouldnt be a problem if you go to it after log in/registration and self welcome it dosent affect the list

*** nothing to show:

* Indicates Researcher has written an Introduction to their Personal Space.

they have done a intro to there page no one has left any messages or welcomes on there page

** Indicates Researcher's Introduction has had at least one Posting made to it.

they have done a intro on there space and some one has left a message there for the be it hello how are you etc etc

the second one still shows up on the new users page but with two ** so it would be like


the new users page will not change untill a Ace goes to new users page seen my name and clicked on it they then leave me a message as soon as it goes to me my name goes from the list so if another Ace comes on goes to new users my name will not be there so then i dont need a welcome

so if there online you could click there name say hello but a ace who goes to new user can see he/she has been here x amount of time he/she has done a intro and some one has left a message

if its still on the new user page then a Ace knows a unoffical bod has poped in but still needs to do a welcome for them by the 2* next to theere name

*goes for a lay down in a darkend room* smiley - laugh


Post 159

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

I would agree that something needs to be done so an ACE doesn't have to go running around the ** to see if anyone has been missed.

Oh, isn't it nice to have good ideas being banded around and moulded into something that might actually work!!!!


Post 160

Titania (gone for lunch)

The 'ACEs don't want anyone else to post a message on a new researchers page' is just rubbish - this would mean that all ACEs would have to add this to their welcome message:

'Oh, and by the way - whatever you do, do *not* say hi to other newcomers like yourself before one of us ACEs has managed to post a welcome message on his/her user page even if it means you'll have to wait until next time you get online.'

Anyone can post on anyone else's page as much as they want!

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