A Conversation for The Aces' Home Page


Post 81

fords - number 1 all over heaven

As I said, a lot of it is just plain common sense. When I became an ACE I was sent a welcome email, but I really don't know if that happens now. Even so, one of the first things I did was subscribe to the ACE pages because I thought (foolishly, it seems) that if I was going to help new users I should at least know if they're looking for help and advice or not!


Post 82

fords - number 1 all over heaven

And Mort isn't alone in this. I was on the verge of giving up too, but then thought about those poor newbies left with the ACEs that couldn't give one and the competent ACEs being left with more work.


Post 83

Titania (gone for lunch)

...which brings us right back to the question about what 'being an ACE' really means, right?

Clearing the new researchers' list?
Helping new researchers by responding to their postings at various entries guaranteed to attract the attention of newbies?

Oh come on, for crying out loud - I *know* there are ACEs out there who *only* do welcome messages, and I know there are ACEs who *only* help newcomers when they ask specific questions in specific places(entries) - who's to say who is 'more noble' or 'less noble' or 'more true to the ideal ACE' or 'less true'?


Post 84


I left for vast ammounts of reasons welcomeing been a factor for one the Aces that was on the "taboo"convo im sure they know which and the other researcher who had it in for a few Aces me/them as well and had no proof of any accusation and slanderous comment thrown at me/them that whent without moderation that was one and the fact i was left by sertain other Aces to have such a attack i kew who my freinds was from that so i did get a lesson from it so i needed to take a brake for a while and handed my badge in of which i should have realy keept for the time beeing

but there again some one got my badge who wanted to do Aceing and welcome when i needed a breake so i wasnt realy selfish it might mean i have to wait for my chance again im here for a while so ill wait *sits down*


Post 85

fords - number 1 all over heaven

ACEs should do both, no question.

Just out of interest, how do you define your ACE duties? Are you a welcomer or a helper?


Post 86

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Hey fords, your not wrong there!


Post 87

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Thanks smiley - smiley

Just out of interest Titania, before you pick me up on your not being an ACE but a GA, you do seem to be very opinionated on a subject that in essence does not concern you but you are quick to rise to the attack to ex-ACEs and others not on the scheme. That isn't very fair now, is it?


Post 88


hang on in one of your first posts on here you said that Aces was not obliged to welcome Ace

now on what beeing a Ace means you have clearing the newbie list????

so Aces should actually make a gesture/effort to do some welcomeing every now and again


Post 89

Titania (gone for lunch)

Welcoming: Whenever I feel up to it or feel inspired, my other self posts welcome messages to new researchers (a bit irregular - sometimes a lot, sometimes few, sometimes none)

Helper? Yep - as long as I can beat someone to it!smiley - tongueout

My Titania self used to offer newcomers a cup of smiley - tea quite often - but lately other researchers (read: ACEs) have squeezed into the conversation before I even got a chance!smiley - winkeye


Post 90


reply post 79....

thats why you are/my group when i first joined under Abby was asked to read and understand what Aces do/code of conduct/Aces home page if you wanted to be a squotsmiley - laugh so they dont go in totaly blind to been a Ace or i didnt i knew about welcoming newbies from the welcome i got from Z


Post 91

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Okay, your alter ego does both. But does it not say in the ACEs' Code of Conduct that you should at least try do some ACEing when you log on? Granted, you cannot always do this (for example, I don't welcome when I'm at work but will help in the help pages) but there are too many people who sit on h2g2 all night, every night posting away and not bothering to earn their badge. I don't care what the Code of Conduct says. If you have a volunteer badge you have to earn it. If you can't or won't, leave the scheme.


Post 92

Titania (gone for lunch)

fords - you haven't read the backlog, have you? *sighs*

If you had, you'd have noticed that I've already told you that my other self is 'Kristina the Flamenco Dancer' researcher number U151707 - check postings no.61 and 65


Post 93

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Thought you might raise that issue.

Can I ask why you have two IDs?


Post 94

Titania (gone for lunch)

Oops - sorry, I'm on a very slow dial-up connection...

So 'if you have a volunteer badge you *have* to earn it. If you can't or won't, leave the scheme.'

Doesn't this imply that anyone who wants to become or remain being an ACE should have to agree to some basic standard tasks - which is not the case today?


Post 95

fords - number 1 all over heaven

YES! That's EXACTLY what I've been saying all along!


Post 96


and the point of the thread


Post 97

Titania (gone for lunch)

The Titania ID is my original one, the one I first used when signing on to what used to be www.h2g2.com

I became an h2g2 Guardian Angel, and we used to compete against the ACEs in being the first one to welcome a new researcher (this was before the BBC take-over).

Being very ambitious in welcoming newbies, someone suggested I'd apply to become an ACE - but at the time, there were some very hostile feelings among the ACEs vs the h2g2 Guardian Angels and - since I by then had become one of the h2g2 Archangels I didn't find it quite - uh - fitting to mingle with the enemy, so to speak...

...so I created a second researcher ID - it also made it easier to keep my ACE messages separated from my other conversations....

All that stuff is by now ancient history, but it does help to keep your ACE messages separate from all the other threads that you're subscribed to...smiley - online2long


Post 98

fords - number 1 all over heaven

So why have two different schemes when you both do the same thing? smiley - doh


Post 99


yeh its only a good thing that ga and Aces get a long better now tho its more a sence of community not which group can do this biger and better than the other or first to do something


Post 100

Titania (gone for lunch)

The h2g2 Guardian Angels seem to be in a very deep sleep à la Sleeping Beaty nowadays - and, like I said, having your ACE messages on one conversation list, and all the other distractingly interesting threads on another list is making VL much easier...smiley - silly

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