A Conversation for The League of H2G2
The Court
T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly. Posted Apr 19, 2004
The Court
Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant Posted Apr 19, 2004
I think you left it in that other thread!
The Court
T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly. Posted Apr 19, 2004
The Court
Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant Posted Apr 20, 2004
*cleans up the court room in preparation for the next trial*
The Court
T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly. Posted Apr 20, 2004
The Court
Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant Posted Apr 20, 2004
Ok, let's grab AK!
The Court
T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly. Posted Apr 20, 2004
The Court
Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant Posted Apr 20, 2004
They'll inflict but a flesh wound.
The Court
GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011 Posted Apr 21, 2004
Good enough. I find the defendant guilty.
The Court
AK - fancy that! Posted Apr 21, 2004
well, no point in sticking around!
*bangs gavel, dressed in Judge costume*
Guilty as charged!
*notices several peopel staring*
*tosses the costume off and runs out the door*
The Court
U521150 Posted Apr 21, 2004
Well I /am/ one of the judges...and I pronounce him guilty...however, he needs to stay here for the sentencing!
Come back here!
The Court
AK - fancy that! Posted Apr 21, 2004
*security guards try to drag AK back in but he's already flushed himself down an oversized toilet and is on the way to the sewers*
oh crap. literally.
*tries to escape*
*bursts a pipe*
*comes out in the street*
The Court
U521150 Posted Apr 21, 2004
*there are security guards in the street as well, and policemen, they spot AK and run after him*
The Court
AK - fancy that! Posted Apr 21, 2004
*matrix leap to the top of building*
*takes a swig of water and does yoga till someone arrives*
The Court
Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant Posted Apr 22, 2004
*rooftop folds up around AK and traps him in a giant cage that descends into through the building to the courtroom level*
The Court
AK - fancy that! Posted Apr 22, 2004
*dies from the fall*
*burns up*
*opens eyes, and the fire ghoes out*
just kidding!
*pops up and runs through the wall out to the street again*
The Court
Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant Posted Apr 22, 2004
*...into the arms of the guards*
Key: Complain about this post
The Court
- 221: T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly. (Apr 19, 2004)
- 222: Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant (Apr 19, 2004)
- 223: T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly. (Apr 19, 2004)
- 224: Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant (Apr 20, 2004)
- 225: T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly. (Apr 20, 2004)
- 226: Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant (Apr 20, 2004)
- 227: GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011 (Apr 20, 2004)
- 228: T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly. (Apr 20, 2004)
- 229: Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant (Apr 20, 2004)
- 230: GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011 (Apr 21, 2004)
- 231: AK - fancy that! (Apr 21, 2004)
- 232: U521150 (Apr 21, 2004)
- 233: AK - fancy that! (Apr 21, 2004)
- 234: U521150 (Apr 21, 2004)
- 235: AK - fancy that! (Apr 21, 2004)
- 236: U521150 (Apr 21, 2004)
- 237: AK - fancy that! (Apr 21, 2004)
- 238: Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant (Apr 22, 2004)
- 239: AK - fancy that! (Apr 22, 2004)
- 240: Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant (Apr 22, 2004)
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