Quest: The Sol Civil War

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Under Construction. Do not tell anyone about this nor post to it, it is not ready, give it time


This is a Quest. Hopefully we can make this fun. I don't ask much, just that we keep a balance between humor and serious game play.

I, His Divine Shadow, shall be the battle god. As the founder and organizer of this quest, I shall control NPCs unless I direct another that they can do so, and even then it will be on a limited basis, no more than a squad or squadron or so. I will also intervene and decide in arguments over continuity or hero-ism (people never taking a hit or doing things just a litte too fictional). I shall also direct the story line and decide the winner in a battle.

Breif overview

For millenia, Earth was the sole inhabited planet in the system surounding the star Sol. But after three thousand years plus of human development, setback, and re-development, Earth's neighbors are inhabited too. And though the government of Earth proclaims freedom for all is its highest goal, it treats its colonized sisters as though they are slaves, feeling that they are owed for what Earth did to help them colonize four generations ago.

Jupiter, the largest and most developed of the 5 colonies of Earth has had enough of being treated like an impudent child. Jupiter has decided to show Earth that she is grown up, and can fend for herself, and the method she has chosen, is to invade the other colonies. Earth, and its pet colony Mars does not like this one bit, Pluto doesn't care who is their overseer as long as the fighting is done quickly, and the out-system colonies of Vega and Alpha-Centauri don't care yet...But they will.

Choose your destiny

This is the part where you will choose which faction you will fight for. If there are to many Martians or Plutites or what-have-you, then I will be forced to move the late-comers around into other affiliations. It will be an inconvieniance I understand, but it will be a better and more interesting quest if the factions are balanced.

  • Earth
  • Jupiter
  • Mars
  • Pluto
  • Glossery of terms

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