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Jupiter is a heavily industrialized colony that has a large and disciplined population. Jupiter has a powerful defensive force and many colonies on their numerous moons. Jupiter is widely considered to be a power rivaling that of Earth in both industry and defensive forces

Brief History of Jupiter as a colony

Jupiter was first colonized by earthers seeking to set up an indipendant industrial and scientific society in space, so from the begining they have been less than pleased with their dependance on Earth for funds and technology.

Several years after establishment of the Jupiter colonies on Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto; they developed and declared their own government, the Jupitron Confederation, an organization of important scientists and industrial leaders who where tired of aquiessing to Earth's demands.

For this an Earth spy set a bomb in the capital building, on the day of their first meeting after their decleration of indipendance, the bomb blew out the building's supports and its basements, causing the capital building to collapse into the whole. Killing the vast majority of the leaders. After this another Earth obeying government was set up and reigned for 10 years.

This government was overthrown and replaced on Io by another revolutionary government, and this too ws put down, this time by a force of invading Earth Space Marines, who violently and publically executed nearly all of the revolution's leaders. While the public outcry would have been thought to be deffening from Jupiter and the other colonies, Earth turned a deaf ear to it and set up another complacent government. This cycle of revolution and violent counter-revolution lasted for fifty years until the bombing of Europa. Earth had thought that this would be the last time a revolution would have to be put down, but its year long sebatical from putting down revolution was rudely interupted by the Callistan Revolution.

Callistans, sick of Earth raping the Jupiter sphere for its own benifit, decided once and for all to put an end to Earth dominion of Jupiter. For decades during the turmoil of revoltions in the Jupiter Sphere the Callistan revolutionaries prepared for their strike against Earth, and prepared their new-forged capital city to be unfindable and indestructable. Their best opportunity came after the bombing of Europa. The disgracefull sheep government set up on Ganymede was too much for the colonial citizens to handle, they screamed for revolution and freedom, and the Callistans provided it. The Ganymede traitors were publically tried and executed for high-treason against Jupiter, espianoge, aiding/abetting the enemy, and any other felonies and mis-demeanors that they could be reasonably (or unreasonably) be accused of. At the end of the executions, the Callistan government declared its independance and listed the crimes commited by Earth against the people of the Jupitron Empire, and the former Jupiter governments

The first blow struck against Earth was by Io, they captured a fleet of Earth warships that had been dispatched to raize all of the Callistan cities to the ground. The shock of this and a slugish Earth responce allowed Jupiter time to reverse engineer the weapons and equipment on board the ships and allowed them time to build up their forces. Now it is widely whispered that Jupiter is on a nearly equal technological level as Earth and equal or surpassing it in industrial capacity.

Current locals within the Jupitron Empire

  • Europa
  • Io
  • Ganymede
  • Callisto
  • Europolis
  • Medium Defensive Mech
  • Heavy Defensive Mech
  • Defensive Artilery Mech
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