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Earth, a tyranical comercial dictator that uses its monopoly over interstellar travel to keep its colonial allies in line. Earthers have not endeared themselves to the jupitrons, but are quite friendly with the martians.

When colonization first began, Earth payed the bills for it, now they want that payment returned. While Mars happily bows to this wish, Jupiter feels that Earth can shove it. Earth responds by increasing its taxes on the Jupiter and using its military to forcibly take the taxes that they are owed. In the process infuriating Jupiter and making all the other colonies uneasy. This tactic, while effective in the past, has finally pushed Jupiter over the edge.

Five years ago the capital of Jupiter, Europa, was shelled to dust for not paying a year's worth of taxes. A provisional government, set up on Ganymede quickly paid the taxes plus interest and continued to pay its taxes on time until a year ago, when the Ganymede government was overthrown by militant factions from Calisto. After the Calistan Revolution, the center of government was thought to be on that moon, but extensive searching by Earth spies uncovered nothing amis on the planetoid. It was at this point that Earth sailed a fleet into the Jupiter Sphere and broadcasted its intent to shell every last colony to dust until the Calistans showed themselves. This was the last mistake they made, Mass Drivers on the surface of Io sent slugs of Neo-Titanium at hypersonic speeds crashing through the bridges and powerplants of the Earth fleet vessels, destroying any chance that they might have had at effectively threatening Jupiter.

Since that day, Jupiter, with Earth weapons and its own improvements on them, has fought off every single Earth advance into the Jupiter Sphere. Earth hopes to rectify soon

Current locals within the Earth Sphere

  • Terranopolis, Earth's Capital
  • Earth Defence Command
  • Freidricschafen
  • The Moon
  • Earth Mechs

  • Light Assault Mech
  • Medium Assault Mech
  • Artillery (heavy) Mech
  • Current Squadron leader(s)

  • Major Craxus: Thanos Squadron
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