A Conversation for The Northamptonshire Ironstone Railway Trust

Peer Review: A21383417 - The Northamptonshire Ironstone Railway Trust

Post 1


Entry: The Northamptonshire Ironstone Railway Trust - A21383417
Author: Matt the Hoopy - U168592

This is a Flea Market Rescue

Original Entry here: A686919
Original PR thred here: F83088?thread=163438

Unfortunately, the Original author: U179689 cannot be contacted or added as a Researcher due to them being an inactive user for so long. Have given them an 'Original Entry by:' Credit though smiley - smiley

A21383417 - The Northamptonshire Ironstone Railway Trust

Post 2

Icy North

Nice rescue, Matt. smiley - ok

Should stir the passions of all those trainspotting folk.

smiley - cheers Icy

A21383417 - The Northamptonshire Ironstone Railway Trust

Post 3


smiley - ta Icy smiley - smiley

*need a train smiley, don't we?*

A21383417 - The Northamptonshire Ironstone Railway Trust

Post 4

Rains - Wondering where time's going and why it's in so much of a hurry!

smiley - bigeyes

Fascinating entry - but then I like big old fashioned machinery like that!

Only one nitpick - in the last Northampton you've put an extra 'h' in.

I'll join any campaign for a smiley, if there's going to be one

Well done smiley - cheers.

A21383417 - The Northamptonshire Ironstone Railway Trust

Post 5


smiley - cheers Rains, I've fixed up the extra h's I added for some reason smiley - smiley

Ah, campaign for smiley? Hmm, build it. They will come...

A21383417 - The Northamptonshire Ironstone Railway Trust

Post 6


>>part of the areas heritage

>>small and, what some consider, very important locomotives.
--That last comma is misplaced, it should either go after 'important' or be removed, I think.

>>open on the weekends through April to October
--open on the weekends from April to October - or - open on the weekends April through October

>>delivered from new in 1959 (4220001 Charles Wake)
--delivered new?

This makes me want to go to the National Museum of Transportation in St Louis. I really should write an entry some day. smiley - biggrin

A21383417 - The Northamptonshire Ironstone Railway Trust

Post 7


smiley - cheers Milos, all attended to smiley - smiley

A21383417 - The Northamptonshire Ironstone Railway Trust

Post 8


smiley - ok

A21383417 - The Northamptonshire Ironstone Railway Trust

Post 9


Nice one Matt, I'm reduced to a single typo:

knowledgable --> knowledgeable

smiley - cool

A21383417 - The Northamptonshire Ironstone Railway Trust

Post 10


Fixed, smiley - ta

A21383417 - The Northamptonshire Ironstone Railway Trust

Post 11

Gnomon - time to move on

an even smaller fenced of museum -- I presume you mean: an even smaller fenced-off museum

Tho's E Gray & Co -- I suspect there shouldn't be an apostrophe in Tho's

this green painted Planet --> this green-painted Planet

there are number of methods --> there are a number of methods

where to get off, they're usually quite helpful -- change the comma to a semicolon

smiley - smiley

A21383417 - The Northamptonshire Ironstone Railway Trust

Post 12


Tidied up. smiley - ta

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Post 13

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Post 14

Gnomon - time to move on

smiley - bubbly

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