A Conversation for Northampton Ironstone Railway Trust

Peer Review: A686919 - Northampton Ironstone Railway Trust

Post 1

Researcher 179689

Entry: Northampton Ironstone Railway Trust - A686919
Author: Researcher 179689 - U179689

please review - its a piece about a museum i am a member of in northampton

A686919 - Northampton Ironstone Railway Trust

Post 2


This seems to be an entry in progress at the moment. It won't get anywhere without a little investment in grammar, or at least capitalisation.

A686919 - Northampton Ironstone Railway Trust

Post 3

Ausnahmsweise, wie üblich (Consistently inconsistent)


I have some old film of the Stewards and Lloyds steam locomotives around Corby, Gretton and Weldon. The wagons are full of steam railway enthusiasts going for one last ride before the engines were retired and replaced by diesels. They were some kind of panier locs. But I don't know the make or even the wheel counts. (The film's transferred to video - I'd have to watch it again.) My father was a shunter for S&L. That also meant being the stoker too. They did occassionaly go on the mainline, but had to have a B.R. driver accompany them I think.

Do you remember the cable car system? It crossed the road between Kettering and Corby.


A686919 - Northampton Ironstone Railway Trust

Post 4

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

This entry looks Flea Market bound. The author hasn't activated hir space and looks AWOL. Pity as it was a new Researcher, who appears to have been put off.

Any seconders?

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A686919 - Northampton Ironstone Railway Trust

Post 5

Ausnahmsweise, wie üblich (Consistently inconsistent)

I'll second it.

Pity. I was interested in the subject. I can't take it on because I've never been to the musuem and don't even live in the country now.
I went to the referenced web site and it is quite primitive too.


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