A Conversation for Preventing Hip Fractures

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 21


Who, me? Initiated? Never got accepted, let alone initiated. smiley - winkeye

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 22

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Aw smiley - hug consider yourself acceptable now.smiley - rolleyes

... and even the uninitiated know post 21 should read -

Entry: Preventing Hip Fractures - A21242819
Author: Leo - "And Lo! The frowny one smileth." - U519437

smiley - mouse

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 23


Leo - this is a good idea for an Entry, but it needs a bit more work - for starters, go and look at your last paragraph - it's in a bit of a state. Next, there's the small matter of overlaps with A682454 - Postmenopausal Osteoporosis, which already covers many of the points.

In order to make this Entry more unique, I'd like to see more about the dangers of hip damage - morbidity (eg lack of mobility) and perhaps mortality rates of the elderly - ie, do broken hips increase mortality rates? You might want to include the fact that the way in which blood reaches the head of the femur means that a fractured neck of femur (broken hip across the neck of the femur) can cut off the blood supply to the head of the femur and kill it off.

Back to nitpicks for the Entry - the 'alcohol, smoking, caffeine, obesity - avoid all three' bit needs looking at. Also, you need to add some h2g2 links and some external links to pages with advice about osteoporosis etc.

Have fun... smiley - smiley

Alex smiley - smiley

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 24


smiley - laugh Alright, alright. I didn't find the topic that interesting, so I won't work on it. Was just wondering if I could sneak by on something half baked. smiley - biggrin Thank goodness I can't.

You can have it, if you'd like.

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 25



Just because I don't usually go to such lengths to destroy someone's hopes of an easy 'ride into the guide' doesn't mean you shouldn't keep working on this. smiley - tongueout

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 26


smiley - cry You've dashed my hopes, you awful boy.

smiley - tongueout

I'm not a medical student myself for a reason. Out it goes...

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 27

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Oh Leo, that's why we're researchers. Go on you can do it.smiley - ok

smiley - mouse

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 28


I know I *can*, but I don't *want* to. I have two other entry ideas that actually fascinate me for when I'm done my uni project. And surely you've heard Skanky lecture about how passion on a topic is what drives h2g2, etc etc... smiley - winkeye

If it can be flea marketed, that would be fine with me. I just don't care to do the legwork.

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 29

Skankyrich [?]

smiley - cross Ahem! I don't lecture. I pontificate. Grumpily.

You're absolutely right though, Leo. I find that if I write about something I'm genuinely interested in and enjoy researching, it comes across in the Entry. I've given up and FMed a couple of things that I lost interest in, and I think that's the right way to work.

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 30


Oh, well if you want the verbs to get down and dirty, harangue or diatribe might do as well. smiley - biggrinsmiley - run

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 31

Skankyrich [?]

Ooh, harangue. I like that smiley - biggrin

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