A Conversation for Preventing Hip Fractures

Peer Review: A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 1


Entry: Preventing Hip Fractures - A21242819
Author: Leo - "And Lo! The frowny one smileth." - U519437

I wrote this for something at work and it isn't going to be used. Was wondering if it has potential or if it's too thin or if it is Guide material.

One thing I know I'll have to fix is the audience. It was written for middle aged females, while there's stuff teenagers should do too. But before I waste any time...

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 2



There's interesting stuff in here and has potential. But last time I checked my femur wasn't my hipbone. So that's wrong for starters smiley - smiley

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 3


There actually is no hipbone, I don't think. The hip is where the pelvic bone and the femur meet, no?

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 4


Well, no. There IS a hipbone, it's called the iluem, or pelvic girdle.

You'll find most 'hip' fractures are actually refered to as fractured NOF's. That is Fractured Neck of Femur.

So, in a way, the hip fracture isn't actually a hip fracture, it's a fracture of the proxiaml head of the femur (epiphysis). It's basically prevents the ball and socket movement of the hip in the acetbulum from working properly (thus hip replacements aren't actually hip replacemeents in the true sense of the word, they more often than not just replace the NOF, and maybe the ischium).

If you want to research further I suggest looking into # NOF's smiley - smiley

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 5


thank you, O medical man.

Can you clarify another thing for me: there is no connection between hip fractures and hip replacements, right?

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 6


that's an iffy one. I'm a paediatric nurse by trade so don't really deal with hip replacements all that much (unless looking after a kiddy with a specific bone wasting disorder).

But, as I said, a hip fracture is often what people istakenly refer to as that fractured NOF. An actual hip fracture would invlove a fracture to the pelvic girdle somewhere which would mean replacing the hip bone. These only really occur in major trauma, like having a bus drive over your midsection. Oldies can fracture their hips due to osteoporosis (?sp), but like I said, the most common 'hip' # in the older woman and obese teenage girl is the one that occcurs to the femoral head, thus why I think you're original research may have related tot that more than anything.

Of course, best asking Alex 'Tufty' Ashman - he's the medic smiley - winkeye

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 7


If you got sense from that, my spelling was atrosh, oh just really bad. sorry.

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 8


And I just realised that was a very politic answer. The simple answer would be - yes.

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 9



A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 10


Don't worry. Some of my best friends are medical students. smiley - winkeye

The only disconcerting part was when they were studying for Anatomy and Physiology, and instead of seeing me they saw the sum of my parts. We didn't shake hands - we shook filanges (or something like that), and of course this was only because my ulnar nerve was enervating something or another.

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 11


smiley - laugh

med students are *very silly people*

sorry, had to edit myself there. Insert the appropriate term. smiley - smiley

(phalanges - but why they were shaking your fingers and not your hand (metacarpals) I don't know smiley - winkeye)

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 12


Metacarpals- I meant those!
smiley - flan
smiley - tomato

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 13


smiley - tongueout

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 14


Hope they hit your frontal bone somewhere between the Metopic Suture and the supra-orbital foramen.

smiley - laugh

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 15


smiley - rofl

Mind I don't kick you in the coccyx smiley - crosssmiley - winkeye

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 16


Careful, young man, if you want to sit again. The one location my friends taught me well were the ischial tuberosities. smiley - evilgrin

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 17


Fix the grammar in that. smiley - blush Maybe I should switch from the English dept to the medical dept. smiley - laugh

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 18

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Middle aged woman reporting for duty.smiley - winkeye

I'm with Matt on the fractured neck of femur.smiley - ok

HRT can help prevent OP and many women take it for this reason.

Hip replacements are more likely to be due to OA or joint damage I think, so no connection to fractures. There are also several hip protectors on the market - they're a sort of like shin pads that fit into pockets in underwear.smiley - weird Not entirely proven I believe - but in use all the same.smiley - smiley

Good luck with this.smiley - goodluck

smiley - mouse

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 19


I saw an article about the hip protectors. smiley - biggrin Pretty funny, I thought. And considering that many falls happen in the shower, not necessarily useful.

But can you translate those acronyms into English for the uninitiated?

A21242819 - Preventing Hip Fractures

Post 20

Fizzymouse- no place like home

smiley - laugh I assumed you were initiated.smiley - tongueout

HRT - Hormone Replacement Therapy

OP - Osteoporosis

OA - Osteoarthritis

Hope that post makes sense now.smiley - ok

smiley - mouse

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