Newbie Links

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Welcome to my links page, first and foremost you should register with H2G2 on the H2G2 Welcome page, as it introduces you to other people who will now be able to leave you a message, once you have registered check out the H2G2 tour page. A few other great links for newbies are Feisors links page, the guide to spicing up your page and I'm new what do I do now.
When you first come onto H2G2 you should get a visit from an Ace (Assistant Community Editor), they are here to help and assist you with any problems that may arise for you while on-line.


Another good place to for advice is the H2G2/LDer's Advice Corner.Once you are used to using H2G2 and are getting the hang of GuideML, a few of the places to visit are the GuideML Clinic, the Named Entries page, the Smileys list and the Pictures library.
If you are here to find new friends then check the list of Newbies on H2G2.

...and keep an eye on the H2G2 Announcements page, for upto date info and up coming events.
Aces List
If you have any problems you can either leave me a message or just call on one of the Aces to help you out, they are really great guys. 

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To make your page digibox friendly, you will need to change your skin preference to Plain, you will now be able to access the longer conversations. A couple of other skin preferences are Alabaster and
Classic Goo, but these are for PC users, but take a look anyway.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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