I'm New - What Do I Do Now?
Created | Updated Jan 6, 2005
This area of h2g2 is populated by established members of our Community who are willing to help new users. They will help you get to grips with h2g2. You can ask them anything.
To start a conversation here (or, indeed, on any page) you should:
Click on the link that says 'Start a new conversation'. (Underneath 'Start a new conversation' you'll see all the other questions that have been posed by new users. Click on any one and take a look.)
You'll see space for a subject and your question.
When you have finished writing click on 'Preview'.
When you have checked your question, click on 'Post Message'.
Quite soon a volunteer will come and see you. After a few minutes (a response could be that fast) click on the refresh button. Or if you come back after a few days, go to 'My Space' and look in the list of your conversations there.
If you have a burning question on any topic for the h2g2 Community, why not visit Ask h2g2?