A Conversation for GG: Perfect Numbers
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Pimms Posted Dec 16, 2003
Well Done Gnomon I should have been paying more attention and I'd have known this was already recommended by a scout
OH - usually the sub-ed will post to this thread, after having checked it for outstanding points to be addressed, so this thread can continue (the sub-ed as far as I know is not obliged to read the PR thread, particularly if it has been long and involved, just to check with the author that there are no outstanding points that require inclusion).
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Gnomon - time to move on Posted Dec 16, 2003
What happens next is that I decide whether I want the entry to go into the Guide as it is or if I should make the changes recommended by Pimms. I haven't time to decide that now, but I'll try to do it later. If I decide to include the changes, I'll clear them with a representative sample, and then let the sub-editor know that that is the version that should go in.
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Recumbentman Posted Dec 16, 2003
Curious; some sub-editors (Dr Justin take a bow) consult me about what changes I like and don't, others just make their arbitrary disimprovements and then publish, and I have to try and get the towers to change stuff after the event, not always successfully. How did you tame them?
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Gnomon - time to move on Posted Dec 16, 2003
Who, the editors?
I'm just generally useful around the place, so they tend to listen to my suggestions.
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Gnomon - time to move on Posted Dec 17, 2003
Please include the following short section in the entry, just before "Odd Perfect Numbers". This includes information which was presented in this thread just before the entry was picked.
Some Oddities of Even Perfect Numbers
Every even perfect number is triangular. A triangular number is one which is made by adding up natural numbers in sequence: 1 + 2 + 3 + ...
Every even perfect number ends in the digit '6' or '8'.
If you take the reciprocals of all the divisors of a perfect number and add them up, you always get 2.
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