A Conversation for Soul Mates (UG)

Did you write that?

Post 1

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

That's exactly what I needed to hear on this cold and wintry morning!smiley - love

Did you write that?

Post 2


Hello old friend. It's nice to hear from you. smiley - rose I'm glad you enjoyed the poem.

I wrote Soul Mates for my husband who believes strongly in reincarnation. He has been seriously ill for a long time and last fall it looked like he wasn't going to make it through the winter. I thought the poem would comfort both of us. He had some very risky surgery and is still with us. But his health is fragile and we sort of take it a day at a time.

I haven't been over to 360 for a long time. Has Auntie Beeb given up on it? The joy went out of it for me when they dumped Meg.

Did you write that?

Post 3


It is a beautiful poem. My best hope to you and your husband. smiley - teasmiley - love

Did you write that?

Post 4


Only an old soul could lay it down like that. My hopes and prayers are with yousmiley - brave

Did you write that?

Post 5

Leopardskinfynn... sexy mama

Oooops, I'd forgotten about this thread. smiley - flustered

How are you Hypatia? smiley - hug
I find your poem extremely beautiful and very moving. smiley - brave
It is most definitely obvious the amount of love you have for each other. smiley - love

Yes it is a real shame about 360. smiley - cry

Did you write that?

Post 6


Hi spynxxx1. Thanks for commenting on the poem. It's always nice to find people who enjoy poetry. smiley - smiley

Fynn, my husband is in a nursing home. His memory is nearly gone and he is weak physically - can't walk. It's very difficult, but I'm managing to cope. The doctors say he could go tomorrow or stay the way he is for years. In other words, they don't know any more about it than I do. I'm alone for the first time in 33 years, so it is taking some adjusting.

I started The Circle to try to make up for losing 360, but then I wound up with no time to promote it and keep it going. I'm thinking of trying to revive it after the first of the year.

Did you write that?

Post 7

Blue-Eyed BiPedal BookWorm from Betelgeuse (aka B4[insertpunhere])

smiley - hug
Hypatia, this is a beautiful piece of work. It encompasses the tenderness two people feel for each other, as if they'd been made specifically for one another, for all time. I'm glad you had such a heart-felt connection with Frank while you had your time together. Hold fast to his memory and keep it dear to yourself. Share reminiscences of your common thread with the rest of us as you see fit. Hearing those, I'm sure, would bring us to a deeper understanding of you, since moments are a part of what makes you who you are now.
smiley - hug

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