A Conversation for Monty Python's 'Galaxy Song'

A2082935 - Monty Python's 'Galaxy Song'

Post 21

Danny B

smiley - yikes

*How* badly have I phrased that..?

I hope my old PhD supervisor isn't registered as a Researcher, or I might be in serious trouble...

A2082935 - Monty Python's 'Galaxy Song'

Post 22

Gnomon - time to move on

smiley - biggrin

A2082935 - Monty Python's 'Galaxy Song'

Post 23

Danny B

I've now updated the evolution section a little...

Astronomy isn't my field, but genetics... smiley - blush

I'll get round to the strings of numbers later.

A2082935 - Monty Python's 'Galaxy Song'

Post 24


So... speed of light is 299,792.4588 km/s (on basis of 1978 Peter Woods and Colleagues Laser measurement http://www.mic-d.com/curriculum/lightandcolor/lightspeed.html ),
or 186,288.04 miles/second (on basis of 1 kilometre = 0.62139 miles)
or 11,177,282.16 miles/minute (adjust for significant figures required)

I admit I skipped over the 'very simple' statement of evolution, but Gnomon is right, a literal reading of what is written is open to misinterpretation, and where evolution is concerned there are always those keen to misinterpret.


A2082935 - Monty Python's 'Galaxy Song'

Post 25

Danny B

All corrections made.

So far smiley - winkeye

A2082935 - Monty Python's 'Galaxy Song'

Post 26


I'd change 'is 300,000,000 metres-per-second' to 'is roughly 300 million metres-per-second' in the speed of light bit, if you are going to stick to a couple of significant figures (which I think makes sense)

Evolution bit looks better smiley - ok

Pimmsaloonie smiley - winkeye

A2082935 - Monty Python's 'Galaxy Song'

Post 27

Danny B

Done smiley - cheers

"Evolution bit looks better"

Well, it couldn't look much worse, could it..! smiley - doh

A2082935 - Monty Python's 'Galaxy Song'

Post 28

Mu Beta

Hmmm...I like the look of this.

I would argue somewhat with choosing to write anything after the last line of the song, as you've completely debased the punchline which was the entire point of the song. I thought as a Pythonist you'd know better. smiley - cross

And how come you can reproduce all the lyrics, while I'm still having an immense wrangle over 'We Didn't Start The Fire'?


A2082935 - Monty Python's 'Galaxy Song'

Post 29

Danny B

Interesting point smiley - smiley

I quite like the ending as it stands, but I'm happy to put it to a vote. Show of hands - keep the last section ('intelligent life') bit, or delete it and leave the punchline as Eric intended it?

"And how come you can reproduce all the lyrics, while I'm still having an immense wrangle over 'We Didn't Start The Fire'?"

'Cos I didn't ask? smiley - winkeye My view is that I'm playing the 'scholarly analysis' card, and taking A733619 as my precedent. And nobody's yikesed it yet... Maybe it's because I'm doing some (vague!) analysis of each line, rather than just using it as a starting point for text that isn't about the song itself? Other than that, don't know, sorry. smiley - erm

A2082935 - Monty Python's 'Galaxy Song'

Post 30

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

I'd vote for the current ending. A very neat and amusing entry, Danny! smiley - ok

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A2082935 - Monty Python's 'Galaxy Song'

Post 31


I second that.
(But you're welcome to try and convince me otherwise smiley - smiley)

~Bistro smiley - orangefish

A2082935 - Monty Python's 'Galaxy Song'

Post 32


Current ending smiley - ok

A2082935 - Monty Python's 'Galaxy Song'

Post 33

Mu Beta

I still think it looks a bit too smart for it's own good.

Plus, if you change it, then Eric's punchline acts as a double-punchline, for the Entry as well as for the song. Especially if you put something pithy like "Well, if you say so..." as a comment. smiley - smiley


A2082935 - Monty Python's 'Galaxy Song'

Post 34


I think I'll side with Master B on this one. While your list is undoubtedly incomplete, the seven that are listed ammount to "bugger all" when compared to the total population of earth through the ages. Besides, it would leave room for an interesting discussion disproving the conclusion if anyone chose to start an appropriate conversation below the entry.

The rest of it looks marvelous!
Definitely one for my short-list of fave's when it's done.smiley - ok

A2082935 - Monty Python's 'Galaxy Song'

Post 35

Danny B

Thanks, Miloso smiley - smiley

The voting currently stands at:

Original ending: 3
Punchline ending: 2

Whatever the outcome, I'll leave the unedited version with whichever one doesn't get chosen.

smiley - cheers

A2082935 - Monty Python's 'Galaxy Song'

Post 36

Number Six

3-3 smiley - cheers

smiley - mod

A2082935 - Monty Python's 'Galaxy Song'

Post 37

Danny B

Hmm... I'm going to leave this until (if?) it gets picked and then, if necessary make the changes before it's copied for sub-editing. If it's still a tie then, I suppose I'll have to have the casting vote... smiley - erm

A2082935 - Monty Python's 'Galaxy Song'

Post 38

Mu Beta

I'd just like to thank Miloso and Number Six for their support... smiley - smiley


A2082935 - Monty Python's 'Galaxy Song'

Post 39

Danny B

As the debate seems to have dried up, I've updated the article along the lines Master B suggested, as he seemed to be the one with the strongest feelings on the subject..! (I've got the original ending on file, just in case there's a flurry of late voting smiley - winkeye)

So, any more for any more?

A2082935 - Monty Python's 'Galaxy Song'

Post 40

Number Six

smiley - ok

smiley - mod

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