Black Death
Created | Updated Mar 28, 2004
Black Death
General Stats
Length: 42 meters
Width: 84 meters
Decks: 3
Style: Modified Bulk Cargo ship
Appearence: like Senator Amidala's yacht, but black, and better
Jedi-Quest specific stuff (only applies to said quest)
Engines: Heavy Ion Engines, Industrial Repulsors, and Military grade Hyperdrive
Powerplant: mini-solar ionization reactor
Sensors: military grade
Stealth systems: military grade communications and sensor jammers. Holographic shroud.
Armor: Quellan regenerative armor and ship systems
Shields: redundant Mon Calimari
Weapons: 14 quad laser cannons, 2 heavy mine layers, 6 general purpose missile lanchers (regenerative magazines), 5 heavy ion cannons
Internal Defences: Master Eversor and/or Lord Niax, and several squads of modified YVH droids, lightsaber messing with ore sandwhiched inside armor, turrets, gas, life support system (in this case the possibility of it being shut off), climate controlled ysalimari pods for use against jedi
Other: Quellan regenerative systems
Non-Jedi Quest stuff
Engines: Shadow hyperspace phase, AG, ion
Powerplant: Vree point singularity reactor
Stealth systems: Shadow hyperspace phase
Armor: Quellan regenerative and Shadow energy reflecting
Weapons: 14 duel PPG gattling guns, 2 heavy mine layers, 1 Vree anti-matter discharge cannon bank, 6 general purpose missile lanchers (regenerative magazines), 5 heavy ion cannons
Internal Defences: Master Eversor and/or Lord Niax, and several squads of modified YVH droids, lightsaber messing with ore sandwhiched inside armor, turrets, gas, life support system (in this case the possibility of it being shut off)
Other: Asgard transporters
Brief History (Non-Jedi Quest): The techno-mage Hillius, lost himself in this galaxy while on his journeys fleeing from his own dimension. He had already extensively modified his vesel, with technology from the Asgard, and from the very people he had been fleeing, the Shadows. When he attempted to force the Sith to help him by gifts of technolgy and a map of the galaxy, he learned the true power of the Force. He was dead within minutes and his ship was extensively modified and upgraded with Imperial and Republic technology. The decks are lined with a mineral that overloads and shuts down lightsabers, and most of the important sections are gaurded not only by droids, but also by Ysalimari, hidden in shielded and climate controled compartments so that only Master Eversor and Lord Niax can get at.
Brief History (Jedi Quest specific): The Black Death was constucted for Master Eversor's use. It was designed with most possibilites in mind, including the incarceration of jedi. The ship's Quellen features were integral in the consturction of nearly all of its systems. This technology was gleaned from archiological digs of the Quellen outpost that was discovered by the ancient Sith race (not group).