A Conversation for The Church of the True Brownie

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 541


*Burns bread so it turns into toast, and hands the loaf to Marv*

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 542

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Spreads soft cheese over the hot toast.*

Yummy! Have some!

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 543

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

OOOO!!!! Don't mind if I do!!!

::Pierre tries to cavort with the other elephants::

Thank you!!!

::watches Pierre, and looks at her squirting-flower, wondering if a good dousing from the blossom would make him act "normal"... whatever normal is for him...::

I'm beginning to see why it was so easy to "borrow" Pierre from the zoo... smiley - tongueout

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 544

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

I think that he's a charming elephant, Dragonfly. smiley - winkeye They seem to each have little quirks, which allows them to fit in with this group so well... smiley - bigeyes

*takes a slice of the toast and cheese Mari-Rae offers.*

Yum! smiley - bigeyes


L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant---le pic-nique

Post 545

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::Pierre dances around and tries to impress Emma with his tricks::

::Jenny bumps into Pierre and he falls over::

Well, yeah... they all do have their quirks...


::helps herself to some fresh bread and cheese::

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant---le pic-nique

Post 546

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Finishes her wine and stretches out in the shade for a nap.*


L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant---le pic-nique

Post 547

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::whispering:: ...What a great idea...

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant---le pic-nique

Post 548

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

*whispers back* It does seem to have turned out well, doesn't it?

*watches the elephants continue to caper, wondering if anyone who had not seen this awesome sight would believe it.*

smiley - winkeye


L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant---le pic-nique

Post 549

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::whispers:: I was talking about the nap Mari-rae is taking... smiley - tongueout

But yes, the picnic as well...!!! smiley - smiley

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant---le pic-nique

Post 550


*Wonders what can be burnt next...*


L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant---le pic-nique

Post 551


*sitting atop Humungous and noticing that his giant pachyderm doesn't seem to like the way Pierre is winking at Emma.*

*holds ice-pack to snout. Has tooth ache*

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant---le pic-nique

Post 552

marvthegrate LtG KEA

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant---le pic-nique

Post 553

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

(poor h2g2 citizens!! A toothache and dialated eyes!!!! smiley - tongueout)

What's wrong with you!?? ::indicates the bear(I assume) on the elephant::

::is overwhelmed by the sight of such a huge elephant::

::Pierre remains oblivious::

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant---le pic-nique

Post 554

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Emma is flapping her ears at Humungous, while flicking her tail at Pierre. smiley - winkeye*

~waking up~

Kuma, come and have some lunch with us. Oh dear, his face is all swollen. Can you drink soup, perhaps? Or would you like to try a beer with a straw?

*Rummages in her purse and hands Marv wrap-around shades.*

There you are, ArchBishop, these should help. Come and sit against this tree and rest your eyes.

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant---le pic-nique

Post 555

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Yes... everyone should rest...

::lays on her tummy and holds her basket, now turned upside down, for a pillow::

::yawns:: Mmmm-hmmm... a nap for everyone but the elephants...

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant---le pic-nique

Post 556

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Thank you Mari, these were perfect. Now if this election thing would just end so I can forget about it for an additional four years.

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant---le pic-nique

Post 557

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Zzzz..... ::dreams about Elephants::

(Hey!!! Is this a Republican Convention!?? smiley - tongueout)

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant---le pic-nique

Post 558


smiley - zzz Burn republicans!!! Burn Democrats!
Burn their smiley - skulls and crush them beneath our feet!


L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant---le pic-nique

Post 559


smiley - zzz Burn republicans!!! Burn Democrats!
Burn their smiley - skulls and crush them beneath our feet!


L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant---le pic-nique

Post 560

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::Dreaming::Someone needs valium...

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