A Conversation for The Church of the True Brownie

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 501

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

Jump on a plane and come and stay with us! Open invitation! We'll take you snowmobiling and skiing too if you want. Only its still warm out now. Wait for January! smiley - winkeye

*Climbs down from the bar platform and back onto Emma. Emma has been flirting with Humungous this whole time.*

Behave yourself, Emma! Hey look! We're coming to a winery!

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 502


Falling down a mountain, however, makes alot of sense. I have done it. Part of the way. I think the rapid decent has something to do with gravity. Falling off the mountain is quite fun....hitting the boulders and trees can be a bit disconcerting though.

Have never ski'd . Also, I am surrounded by ocean and have not swam in 10 years.

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 503


...don'tlike wine. Hope they have some whiskey.

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 504

marvthegrate LtG KEA

And I hope they have Tequila.

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 505

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

It's French wine, so I'm willing to give it a try. smiley - winkeye

Shall we, Mari-Rae?


L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 506

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::The Elephant Party approaches the winery, a location they really don't need to go to, since they've had plenty to drink::

::They get closer to the winery, where Dragonfly is picking out wine for Bacchus Bar, in her Musehome::

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 507

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Hello, Dragonfly! Care to join us for a tour of France?


L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 508

marvthegrate LtG KEA

And I rather doubt that a little wine will have much of an effect on us. We tend to drink dry most places of libation, save the bar atop Thirsty and Thirstier.

AB Marv

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 509

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

What a nice invitation!!! smiley - smiley

...Hey... I know who you are... you hail from the Church of the True Brownie!!!

Well, as some of you may know, I'm the Musehome Founder...

...So we come from different religions... but I think we can agree on one truth-- Brownies are as inspirational as anything on earth can be!!!

The last time I was in France was when I was inspiring Van Gogh... It'd be nice to see it again!!!

Do you mind if I come along!??

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 510

marvthegrate LtG KEA

By all means join us. Oh and don't let the fact that this is also a church prohibit you from possibly joining us officially. There are other church leaders that have decided that they would also like to be a member of this august body.

AB Marv

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 511

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

And since chocolate is a truth and inspiration for so many... Well, it just makes sense! smiley - winkeye


L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 512

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

Indeed, it does!!! I won't argue with that!!! smiley - smiley

I happen to have my own church at the Musehome... but not an elephant...

Tell me, do you allow anyone to come in and play the piano in your church!?? I have had problems with previous churches who wouldn't let me... and they never heard me pray. Music is my form of prayer. I'd like my title have something to do with that, if playing the piano is prohibited...

I need to muse on it...

::laughs at her own joke::

I hope your crowd likes music ::knowing wink::, because I certainly do!!!

Since I don't drink alcohol, I'll be looking for an elephant while you enjoy yourselves here!!!

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 513

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

Dragonfly will be a happy addition to our Trek. smiley - smiley

Yes, Gw7en, let's go and sample some wine. We may want to buy a few bottles for the road.

Kuma, I have body surfed in the ocean whilst in Florida. Its fun until you hit the shore! Also, living next to Lake Michigan I often take the dog down to the beach and swim with her in the waves. I've not gone out there in a boat, though. Scared of that Lake. Its swallowed 6 this summer in our area.

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 514


The essay of the week is on France.
Specifically, the French Civil Wars between 1565 and 1595. Why is it that whenever France is not at war with either England, Germany, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Russia, Belgium, Luxemburg, Switzerland or Austria that they have to have a Civil War? Now I've got nothing against Civil Wars, I'm quite partial to the American Civil war now and then, but 9 Civil Wars in France within 30 years is a bit much, don't you think?

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 515

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::Searches for her elephant... sees a French zoo...::

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 516

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

I think its a French thing, BB. There are other countries with similar records, unfortunately. smiley - tongueout

Mari-Rae, do you think they'd object if we take a goodly percentage of their casks? We do have a ways to go and might get rather thirsty on the way! smiley - bigeyes

Dragonfly, I bet you could get a lovely elephant in there!


L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 517

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

::busily persuading the zoo keepers to let her take an elephant named Pierre S. Cargo on a very long walk...::

(My computer is being retarded... smiley - sadface I am perishing as it gets slower and slower... and I pray to Zeus that this won't keep me from my beloved h2g2 for long....!!!!!)

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 518

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

*fingers crossed that Dragonfly's computer problems will be over soon*

Well, we have wine, we have friends, and we have the Brownie. What more could a little religious band like ours want? ...Other than tequila, that is. smiley - winkeye


L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 519

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

Dragonfly, if you want an elephant just whistle. smiley - winkeye

We have casks of white, burgandy, and champagne. And fresh grapes to go with along with various cheeses. Whiskey, beer, thick crusty bread and of course our brownies. Everything for a fabulous picnic!

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 520

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Thank you for not forgetting the Tequila.

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