A Conversation for The Church of the True Brownie

L'Église du Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 401

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

French...law... I suppose there must be a connection there somewhere, but I'm not exactly sure where. smiley - winkeye (Absolutely, positively no offense meant to any people of the French persuation reading this. I have nothing but respect for you and have actually saluted your ingenuity several times while serving on balloon crews!)

We actually have several vineyards proper on the Western slope here in Colorado, as well as one meadery and quite a few places that do excellent ciders, Mari-Rae. Mead is my favorite, however. Yum! smiley - bigeyes


L'Église du Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 402

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

Meadery, now theres a word you don't see too often - not down here anyway...

Don't mind a cider every now and then though

L'Église du Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 403

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Believe it or not, there are a few vinyards here in Utah. Some god stuff if you like wine from what I hear. I prefer beer and Tequila anyway.

BTW I am in class all week, will be AFK most of the time. Sorry for the absence.

L'Église du Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 404

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

Some god stuff Marv? ROFL multiple jokes in the one posting. Most impressive smiley - smiley

L'Église du Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 405

marvthegrate LtG KEA

That was a fortunate typo I guess.

L'Église du Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 406

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

Heaven sent! smiley - smiley

*Is enjoying her fast french food.*

Gw7en, your Jenny seems to be eating grape vines as we are walking. Emma has been stripping the trees. Hope nobody minds.

L'Église du Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 407


For what we and our elephants are receiving, may the Brownie make us truly thankful. Brownieluia!

L'Église du Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 408



L'Église du Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 409

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Maybe if we don't say anything, no one will notice Jenny and Emma's eating habits.

*whistles nonchalantly and tries to "ride casual"*

Is it working?

smiley - winkeye


L'Église du Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 410

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

I, for one, didn't see a thing...smiley - winkeye

L'Église du Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 411

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Hoo-ray! smiley - winkeye

L'Église du Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 412

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I don't know, Ride Casual

L'Église du Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 413

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Lowers her pith helmet over her eyes and settles back in her chair, on the theory that if they can't see her properly then she isn't responsible; ie. she is attempting to Ride Casual...It isn't a very well thought out theory.* smiley - tongueout

L'Église du Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 414


Can anyone really blame us?
Look at the size of me. Then look at the size of Kevin. Am I really supposed to be able to tell him what to do? smiley - bigeyes
(Hangs on for dear life as Kevin rears up to sample a particularly attractive branch).

L'Église du Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 415

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Well, in theory that's what these are for, I suppose. *holds up large stick she was given by an elephant handler* I just can't bring myself to use it for that though. *instead uses it to set up an umbrella*


L'Église du Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 416

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

I think you're supposed to tap behind their ears for right and left with your foot. I dunno what stop is. Emma just stops conveniently for me. She's pretty polite. I can't do anything about her appetite, though.

*Emma rips a swath of corn plants out of a field and into her mouth.*

L'Église du Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 417


I thought you jabbed maker hooks into their sides, and then they turn to avoid getting sand into their sensitive skin, and so you can steer them....

...or is that sandworms?

L'Église du Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 418

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

smiley - bigeyes My favorite sf book of all time!!

L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 419


Well, I wish you'd said so earlier, 'cos I'd've directed you to:
if you had. smiley - winkeye


L'Église Dune Brownie Vrai va en France par l'éléphant

Post 420

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Dune is very high on ArchBishop Marv's reccomended reading list.

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