A Conversation for ACE Statistics

Bring it back - please ...

Post 1

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

I hope that you will reactivate this page - I found it very useful smiley - grovel

Bring it back - please ...

Post 2

Spelugx the Beige, Wizard, Perl, Thaumatologically Challenged

smiley - smiley Someone wants the page! Yay!

I wanted to rewrite the software behind this so that I better understood how to collect and analyse data in this fashion, and that's about half way complete (I've done the schema, and import routines, I just need the robot, and statistics bits written).

I'm going to work on this next weekend, so it should reappear sometime about then in an easier to use form.

However, if in the meantime, you want the old system, try http://h2g2.ig3.net/newusers/stats.txt which is not very frequently updated (3 times a day) but should give you a helping hand.

spelugx -- smiley - geeksmiley - wizard

Bring it back - please ...

Post 3

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

I use the new users page - but prefer yours because it picks up the older researchers who may slip through the system.

I'm pleased to hear that you are working on an update ..... though, personally, I think the statistics part is not as important as picking up the older researchers.

Keep up the good work!!

smiley - cheers

Bring it back - please ...

Post 4

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Thats what I liked it for - picking up new researchers that had been missed.

However I don't count anymore.

Although I won't lie, the fact that the majority of aces were not pulling there weight on welcoming was good to see it in stats.

Not a competition at all, but is good to know that 50% of them weren't doing any. The main reason I resigned.

I am nobodys fool.

Bring it back - please ...

Post 5

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

Mort - you always count smiley - biggrin

I know that you were doing more than your share - I've just been through a busy timne in RL and have been unable to do as much as I would like - but when I did find time I tried to do as many welcomes as possible. Hopefully things have calmed down a little and I can help a little more smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers

Bring it back - please ...

Post 6


I am joining Mort's camp here. I am feeling that my ACEING duties are not welcomed. I am think the group needs a kick-start. I also wonder why this page was turned off, to let the do-nothings get away with it? If this was a paid job I would be very unsatisfied.

mysmiley - 2cents

A VERY CLOSE to quitting the ACE's

Bring it back - please ...

Post 7

Spelugx the Beige, Wizard, Perl, Thaumatologically Challenged

I have just discovered today that an update to the database software stopped it from working back in November last year. So I'm running a very, very big update at the moment. Hopefully including an upto date ace list, which will probably cause lots of problems. smiley - erm

spelugx -- purple, blue, petunia

Bring it back - please ...

Post 8

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

smiley - cheers Spelugx!

Bring it back - please ...

Post 9

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...


smiley - ale

Bring it back - please ...

Post 10

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

smiley - whistle

Bring it back - please ...

Post 11


This was a great page. It truly encouraged ACEs to ACE more.
Bringing it back will help the site. smiley - smiley

smiley - blacksheep

Bring it back - please ...

Post 12

Spelugx the Beige, Wizard, Perl, Thaumatologically Challenged

But which <./>aces</.>? The ones who were already at the top?

It's broken at the moment anyway, it wasn't really designed to have so much data, and it's system of keeping the list of aces up to date no longer works effectively, particulary since the ace drop-down is not really a good source of data.

Bring it back - please ...

Post 13

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Its primary usefulness was those newbies that had already had a post on their PS but it wasn't from an ace.

It gave us a chance to welcome them. It showed us newbies that hadn't had a visit from an Ace.

The fact it showed who was not welcoming was a bonus, in the bigger picture.

It saved going through the (what used to be the ) ** list. This saved time and meant newbies didnt get missed just cos a friend had said hello to them

Bring it back - please ...

Post 14

Spelugx the Beige, Wizard, Perl, Thaumatologically Challenged

I'd be willing to send the source code of the bot to anyone interested, on the condition that Jim Lynn or the Bugfinders didn't object[1].

But I think the things that are more important for the Aces right now are social, and are best brought about by dealing with each other a bit more; rather than any more stupid technology.

spelugx -- planning excessive scouting for Tuesday.

[1] Unless, of course, the recipient knew why I had to do this...

Bring it back - please ...

Post 15

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

I am past caring about 'point scoring' on others, it was just useful as it listed newbies that hadn't had an ace visit even if they had had a post on their page.

Anyway, the work you did on it was appreciated, so thanks for that.

smiley - cheers


Bring it back - please ...

Post 16

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

I heartily agree - the reason I liked it so much was not the scoring - it was an efficient and easy way to make sure that EVERYONE was ACEd - as mentioned above sometimes a message is left by someone other than an ACE - and no-one picks it up on the New Users page

But don't ask me about code *backing away, hands up, looking confused and scared* Don't know nuffin 'bout no code!!!

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