A Conversation for 'London Underground', the Song by Amateur Transplants

Peer Review: A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 1


Entry: 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants' - A18913962
Author: Pinniped - U183682

After a spell in the Writing Workshop, and in spite of concerns about its brevity, I decided to see what the PR crew think.

No links as yet. This is because the obvious link, to lyrics or a music clip, would invoke naughty words.

Pinsmiley - smiley

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 2


I deny any involvement. smiley - tongueout

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 3

aka Bel - A87832164

Well, I belong to the people who don't know the song. It doesn't look as if you can post the link, though.
smiley - eureka You could email it to me. Email addy is on my PS (the second 'here' link in the blue section).

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 4


Duly sent, Bel.

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 5

aka Bel - A87832164

Got it and replied, thanks. smiley - cheers
Now that I'm no longer distracted by wondering what the song is all about, I can come back to the entry itself.
Who what is the Modfather? I'm sure most people will know, but I have no idea. smiley - blush

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 6


The Modfather is Paul Weller.
He's an oconic figure in British music, and he definitely merits his own Entry.

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 7

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

the internet > the Internet

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 8

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

found song on youtube, it doth amuse me

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 9

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


What does oconic mean?

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 10

aka Bel - A87832164

I guess that's a typo, meanining iconic. For all I know, I could be wrong, though. smiley - biggrin

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 11

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - doh
There was I thinking it's someone with a reputation for giving great orgasms.

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 12

aka Bel - A87832164

smiley - bigeyes

Does he have such a reputation then?

Btw, Pin, meant to ask: care to add a sentence about the pretended death? If you prefer not to, it's fine, I'm only curious. smiley - smiley

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 13


Wow. And I thought it was just typing too fast.
Do you reckon I should put that in the Entry, stretch it out a bit?smiley - biggrin

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 14

aka Bel - A87832164

What, the reputation or the pretended death?

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 15


Simulwotsits, yeah?

Weller probably transcended sex several years ago. He does a nice line in unworldly, faintly bored and just-possibly-still-a-bit-edgy these days.

Pretended death - b*gger, I can't find it now. When I wrote this, Kay's blog had recently declared his demise, but fortunately there was an unexplained resurrection the week after.

I suppose I should take that out. Trouble is, the damn thing's way too short as it is.

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 16

aka Bel - A87832164

Well, I can't see why you think it's too short, it's not about quantity here, but about quality. But if it makes you feel better, then yes, wehy don't you add something about the Modfather? Not too much, so that it won't distract from the song too much.

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 17

LL Waz

By coincidence, their DVD comes out this week, can't see if London Underground is actually on it. And they're currently, ie right now, at the Edinburgh Fringe again.

An article I found about their 2006 Edinburgh Fringe appearance states pointedly "They are performing their show during their Annual Leave" smiley - laugh. No moonlighting on the NHS.

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 18

Icy North

Hi Pin smiley - smiley

I think the entry is crying out for examples of the humour in this song. Maybe it's me, but I just don't like being told that something's funny, but not why. Does that make sense?

smiley - cheers Icy

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 19


smiley - boingsmiley - spaceHow we doing with this pin? smiley - smiley


A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 20


I'm not sure what to do with it.

Of the unused suggestions above, I think more about Paul Weller would be off topic, and he merits his own Entry.
And examples of the humour would be a bit of a spoiler, don't you think? And profane to boot.

All the Entry really needs is the link to the clip that the Eds won't allow. Bit of a stopper that, innit?

Pinsmiley - erm

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