A Conversation for 'London Underground', the Song by Amateur Transplants


Post 1


This post has been removed.

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 2


OOOH As someone who works at the same hospital as Sunam Biswas I'm delighted to see this nearly in the EG.

One of the funniest things I have ever see was the normally very staid staff magazine doing a piece on 'Junior Anaesthetist releases a CD for chairty' which managed to avoid mentioning the sheer filth of it.

When the CD was first released all Adman and Sunam were stuffing the envalopes themselves and selling them for £5 each on the web all of the £5 went to chairty.

Then they sold out completely - and copies were going for £50 each on Ebay so they now sell for £10 and £5 goes to same chairty but they're a bit better produced.

I wonder if it's worth mentioning that most UK medical schools tradionally put on a Comedy Show at Christmas and there's a tradition of comic offensive songs. I seem to remember a parody along the lines of 'Mama I just killed a gran, put a cannula in her leg, flushed with KCL now she's dead'

At our medschool (yes I still go to the review) Sunam dd a great one along the lines off.. 'Tony Blairs Holding up my Bypass'

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 3


"I can only presume his non-mention of the (lowest) common denominating subject of this proto-Entry derives from his disagreement with its sentiments."

smiley - laugh I bought the album a while ago and it's bloody brilliant. However, I haven't written about absolutely everything I've done, seen or heard... yet.

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 4


Woooh! They pulled the original posting!

(I just love these guys. What an utterly fulfilling life they must lead)

Hey, Modderwotsit. Is it OK if I put it back minus the link?

I guess that's what upset you. (The only other possibility would seem to be the potential offensiveness of the word 'pudendum', and I don't suppose we've got quite that straight-laced, have we?)

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 5

Gnomon - time to move on

Pinn, the mods don't read our postings unless they've been yikesed, so they won't read your question.

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 6

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

The article itself looks fine. What on earth was the matter with post 1?

TRiG.smiley - huh

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 7


It had a link that played the song.

(Thanks, Gnomon. I wasn't really expecting a reply. It was just spleen-venting)

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 8


In fact, let's put it back minus the link. Now you'll see what Alex was talking about at #3...

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Entry: 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants' - A18913962
Author: Pinniped - U183682

My curiosity has got the better of me.

That estimable Researcher, Alex 'Tufty' Ashman has written reams on the London Underground, has an Entry on the Jam in PR and (I realised tonight) an abandoned Entry on another song by Kay and Biswas too.
I can only presume his non-mention of the (lowest) common denominating subject of this proto-Entry derives from his disagreement with its sentiments.

In which case, I want to stand up and be counted, 'cos I think it's rather good.

If you're one of the two or three remaining people who :
(a) haven't already heard it, and
(b) don't mind the odd explicit reference to the female pudendum, then try this :

(except it's not here any more)

..then let me know if, with a little filling out, this Entry could ever make the EG

Pinsmiley - smiley

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 9

Rains - Wondering where time's going and why it's in so much of a hurry!

I came across this song via a link from an entirely different website, and despite not being a Londoner, I found it hysterically funny, and far too true in places despite the lyrics. But then, a personal bugbear of mine is the state of public transport in this country.

I think this could be a very good entry and has a place in the Guide; although I saw this on Youtube, I had no idea of any of its background until I read this.

I don't know how much more fleshing out could be done, though. I was about to suggest a paraphrasing of some of the, er, less contentious lyrics, to give a gist of the song, but that doesn't leave much to choose from!

smiley - cheers

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 10


Hey Pin smiley - smiley

I'm one of the two or three people you mention that's not heard it, but I've also never ridden the London Underground. Still, my curiosity is piqued. I'll have to go googling when I'm not on a company machine.

In the meantime, I think this would be an outstanding entry, and it seems that you've probably included just about everything the Ed's would let you get away with. Are you planning to give it a chance in PR?

My only editorial comment is that I don't think you need quotes around the name of the band in the title.

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 11


Hey Pin, are you still thinking of doing something with this?

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 12


Wo Matt

I'd forgotten about it, to be honest.

Do you think it should go into PR, then? Isn't it a bit short and trivial?

I so don't do short and trivial

Pinsmiley - tongueincheek

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 13


Well, I'm short and trivial and I think people like me...smiley - laugh

Give it a bash ion PR if ya think it can handle it smiley - winkeye

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 14


OK. And when they say 'what did you post this rubbish for?', I'll say some short and trivial guy told me to.

Pinsmiley - biggrin

A18913962 - 'London Underground', the Song by 'Amateur Transplants'

Post 15


I must admit, song entries don't seem to go down too well at present, so, um smiley - run

Key: Complain about this post