A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

33rd C|_|

Post 41


*begins to get concerned that he missed something somewhere*

33rd C|_|

Post 42

Fashion Cat

hehe... damn, found me out.... ok. so maybe I'm not quite so innocent, but don't you think I could at least pretend to be innocent!! smiley - winkeye

hehe... and I didn't find any nice men... I'm still searching! smiley - smiley

Volunteers anyone??? *watches as all the men in the bar shrink away from her* Ah well, worth a shot smiley - smiley

33rd C|_|

Post 43


*has no idea what's going on*

Evnin all. Any chance of a smiley - stout?

33rd C|_|

Post 44

Demon Drawer

Strange sence of Deja Vu to last night. Although he didn't actually say it in words. smiley - sadface

33rd C|_|

Post 45

Fashion Cat

aw... dont worry DD *gives DD a hug* I just had a good night in with a few friends last night, got severely trolleyed, and had a great discussion about Red Dwarf... speaks for itself really doesn't it!!! smiley - smiley

33rd C|_|

Post 46


*pours smiley - stout*

Here you go. smiley - smiley

33rd C|_|

Post 47

Demon Drawer

Yeah I also remembered why I went of smiley - stout last night when I remembered trying to match SB smiley - stout for smiley - stout about 18 months ago. smiley - winkeye

At least I had the car key excuse last night or else I would have outlasted him I reckon. smiley - smiley

33rd C|_|

Post 48


*glug* Most kind!

33rd C|_|

Post 49

Fashion Cat

hehe... aw. sensible, conscious driver... proud of you DD! smiley - smiley

33rd C|_|

Post 50


There's nothing sensible about that! I say leave the keys at home. That's what cabs are for after all.smiley - winkeye

33rd C|_|

Post 51

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

whereas I don't drink - or drive - and everyone seems to think this is most unreasonable of me smiley - sadface

Anyone else for a (_) (I serve soft drinks only as I don't have the hang of pulling a pint and am no particularly interested in learning, anyway I'm kitchen staff here, not barstaff)

33rd C|_|

Post 52

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Thanks Ændr but I'll serve myself.

*vaults bar, pulls smiley - stout, puts smiley - stout down carefully and vaults back*

Wouldn't want to confuse anyone, I'm a customer not barstaff.

33rd C|_|

Post 53

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

I'm not sure if I'm a newbie or not, my page is still written in plain text smiley - sadface

33rd C|_|

Post 54

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

What would you like to put on your page, Hannah?

33rd C|_|

Post 55


Neither drinking nor driving Ændr? Well to those of us who do both, it always seems like a waste - it's like the time I drove some friends to a restaurant and didn't have anything to drink. Someone took my coat during the meal. (By accident - we had the same kind of coat, and exchanged them the following day.) The knowledge that I could have had a drink after all added insult to injury!

33rd C|_|

Post 56


When I say I do both by the way, I obviously don't mean both at once!

33rd C|_|

Post 57

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

smiley - smiley

I am glad you made that clear.

33rd C|_|

Post 58

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

I don't drink because I don't really like the taste or smell of alcohol, I don't drive because I may not and can not. It is not to say that I do not enjoy socialising, what I do not enjoy is getting told I ought to drink [not referring to you, but some people have this unfortunate tendency to press a non-drinker to drink... those people I don't tend to socialise with, but sometimes it is unavoidable] or if I don't drink they moan because I don't drive.

33rd C|_|

Post 59

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

I don't know, but my page is really dull.

33rd C|_|

Post 60


Anyone serving? any chance of a smiley - stiffdrink?

Would you like pictures, Hannah, or do you want to start learning guideml?

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