A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

The Games Corner

Post 81


Still wouldn't be as good as the real thing mind. And Bluebottle, as you are broke are you going to the London thing on Saturday.

The Games Corner

Post 82

third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)

if you do makr sure you have a drink for all us poor marooned Americians

The Games Corner

Post 83

The Brain

Try looking longingly into your glass, sighing deeply and grinning at the nearest person while fluttering your eyelashes. Trust me, a free drink everytime smiley - winkeye , (well, it works for me!)

The Games Corner

Post 84

Dancing Ermine

I'm not that good at fluttering. Does mascara help? Or false Eyelashes?

I tend to look as if I'm blinking too quickly.

And usually get the response: "Got something in your eye, have you?"

The Games Corner

Post 85

The Brain

Try not to flutter to fast. Instead do the slow, diliberate flutter that really gets the point across.
I wouldn't recomend mascara if you do this frequently, it will run when it makes your eyes water.
Yeh, watery eyes are good as a last resort, it's that 'moved with pity' feeling you need to inspire in people.
smiley - winkeye

The Games Corner

Post 86


Yep - I'm still going, just will be talking more than drinking... But then, I guess I can drink any time, so might as well make the most of meeting you new H2G2 people!

And the game is...?

Post 87

The Brain

Hang on, I thought that this was supposed to be a games corner!
*Looks longingly into empty glass, eyes start to water piteously*

And the game is...?

Post 88


What do you recommend we play? Noughts and crosses works

And the game is...?

Post 89


Darts is a touch dangerous, and here have a smiley - ale. smiley - smiley

And the game is...?

Post 90


Ta. *gulp* How about a drinking game *drinks another smiley - ale*

And the game is...?

Post 91

third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)

Yes I allways thought it odd that absoulutly anyone could throw sharp pointed objects wile imbibing alcholocic beverages with out fear of officier enconter.

And the game is...?

Post 92


Depends if he wants to play darst or not. smiley - winkeye

And the game is...?

Post 93

third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)

I stand corrected

And the game is...?

Post 94


Well at least the spelling matches the mental state of last night, slightly wobbley. smiley - winkeye

And the game is...?

Post 95

third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)

:: nods understandingly ::

And the game is...?

Post 96


Did somebody say DARTS?

* clutches at scar on temple *

NO, NOOO, dart cause PAIN!!!

* collapses on floor, shivering *

And the game is...?

Post 97

The Cow

Ah... sorry Mustapha.
[puts Mustapha in recovery position]
How about something less violent. How many non-violent games can you think of? I suppose you can't injure yourself playing Doom. Oh no... RSI!

And the game is...?

Post 98


I'm currently playing "can I pick myself off the floor..?", but that too is a very physical and weary game.

And the game is...?

Post 99

The Cow

By that time the answer is usually 'no', anyway.

And the game is...?

Post 100



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