A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

Votes on the new name

Post 1541

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Oh, okay then. smiley - ok

What about Jenson Button? After 5 smiley - ales he'd be lucky if he could see his car, never mind drive it...

Votes on the new name

Post 1542


Remind me again - did you say AFTER or BEFORE the 5 smiley - ales? smiley - biggrin

Votes on the new name

Post 1543

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Right!!! That's it!
*rolls up her sleeves and taps her wand menacingly*
First you have a go at Schumi, then it's Villeneuve, but now Jenson??? That's just not on!
*notes something*
You say Jacques could be reading this??? Ooh...
*quickly lets her hair down, puts on some lipstick and runs off to change her dress*

Votes on the new name

Post 1544


*lol* Well, I'm more of a rally/touring cars kinda person anway, not that the drivers are any more charismatic, just that the cars look like cars! smiley - biggrin

Votes on the new name

Post 1545

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Just don't start on Richard BUrns or Kylie...

Votes on the new name

Post 1546


There's nothing wrong with Burnsie, I just think his style isn't matched to the Pug, nothing wrong with that smiley - biggrin

And I'm not going to touch Kyile...

...on this thread...

Oooh, no Mitsubishi next season, that'll hurt sales at RalliArt in Dudley...

Votes on the new name

Post 1547


Since we've all been going overboard, how's "The Fishwater & Firesnake"?
or perhaps, "The Lonely Crow" if u want to get lyrical?


Votes on the new name

Post 1548


Just to throw a stupid suggestion into the ring - The Free and Funny?

Well the beer is free after all.
smiley - alesmiley - cidersmiley - stiffdrink

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