A Conversation for The Feline and Fiddle

Votes on the new name

Post 1521


smiley - biggrin

Glad you've spotted the syndrome as well...actually, I'm 3 handshakes away from Colin McRae, I'll have to see if it's true of all British drivers, or just the F1 guys smiley - smiley

Oh, and the little fact that he's Brazillian? smiley - cool

Votes on the new name

Post 1522

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Aaah the mystic F1 column resurfaces...

Votes on the new name

Post 1523


What's goin on?

I've been away rather a long time y'see...

...I don't know what's going on smiley - wah

Votes on the new name

Post 1524

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

It's ok, it's just a glitch in the programme which we don't know about smiley - winkeye

Votes on the new name

Post 1525


Y'mean...whenever anyone mentions F1... smiley - winkeye

Votes on the new name

Post 1526

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

It would be even worse if U2 bought an F1 team. smiley - erm

Votes on the new name

Post 1527


And if U2 didn't do very well in F1 and were given their P45s and had to go collect their UB40?

Votes on the new name

Post 1528

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

It wouldn't happen. U2 would be A1 at F1.
smiley - smiley

Votes on the new name

Post 1529


But would they bother if the coverage moved from ITV1 to C4?

Votes on the new name

Post 1530

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)



Votes on the new name

Post 1531


Didn't think so, anyway, who needs to see 22, sorry, 20 next year, cars following each other round a track for 1 and half hours when you could be hitting people with big metal sticks smiley - smiley

Votes on the new name

Post 1532

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Me? smiley - erm Go Schumi!!!!
*is counting down the days til testing in january*
It's so hard being an F1 fan as you spend half the year with things goign at super speed then half the year with things going really slow...

Votes on the new name

Post 1533


But with one of the superminnows gone and Nikki Lauda getting the boot too, the bit where all the action is (lower down the field) just ain't there any more *sighs*)

Votes on the new name

Post 1534

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Actually I think what they've done to qualifying could make things a bit more interesting. Or is it just me?

*pours himself a smiley - ale in a desperate attempt to keep this conversation on topic*

Votes on the new name

Post 1535


Now, if all the drivers had 5 smiley - ale before lining up on the grid, that WOULD be interesting smiley - laugh

Note: The author of this article cannot condone in anway the operation of any vehicle or engineering, motor or otherwise, under the influence of intoxicating substances of any form in public - if you choose to do it in private you only have yourself to blame...keep it on the [famous branded console of choice in here] after a Saturday night at the pub with the girls... smiley - cool

Votes on the new name

Post 1536

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

"That was a public information film."

But, hypothetically, if all the F1 drivers did go out on track half cut, who do you think could handle it best? I reckon Villeneuve could make a go of it... smiley - drunk

Votes on the new name

Post 1537

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

*gives a big up to the Villeneuve massive*

Votes on the new name

Post 1538


This is trueb but after drinking those soft American beers all that time, you think he's acclimatised properly yet? smiley - biggrin

I think it'll either be McNish or Webber...

Votes on the new name

Post 1539

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Oh, well, Webber, obviously - he's an Aussie, after all. And Jacques will have your guts for something very unpleasant if he hears you calling him American...

Votes on the new name

Post 1540


No, I didn't call HIM American, just after racing in the CART series for al those years, being exposed almost solely to American beers until he can get back home North of the Border... smiley - biggrin

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