A Conversation for Dangerous dogs

Fear of dogs

Post 1


I can understand your fear, but I think it is misdirected. Owners who genuinely care for their dogs ensure that they get them socialised from an early age. A dog needs to know the limits to their behaviour with adults, children, other dogs, cars...the list is endless.

The vast majority of dog attacks are down to poor control by the owner/handler. IF, you know your dog then it becomes a second instinct to read the signs that your dog is uncomfortable with a given situation. Even an unwell dog can be controlled by a considerate owner.

Don't read too much into the news stories though. They seldom reveal all of the story, if they did the outcome would be a dull, matter of fact report. Like most stories they report on, it doesn't mean it can happen to you.

I hope that you find a way to control your fear. It would be such a shame that such a fear impacts on your family life forever. Good luck.

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Fear of dogs

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