Dangerous dogs

3 Conversations

I have always been terrified of dogs since I was a little girl. Ive not had a bad experience as far as I am aware (unless in a previous life) but I am so scared that if a tiny little dog was walking with its owner on a lead on my side of the pavement, I would rush accross a busy road and walk miles out of my way to avoid it.

The first question I asked when I was looking to move house was..."Do you have a dog?" if the answer was yes, I would cancel the viewing. Basicaly my fear of dogs controls my life.

Now my sons girlfriends parents both have dogs, her dad and stepmum have a staff bull terrier and her mum has a Rotweiller. My son adores these dogs and says they wouldnt hurt a fly...yet I know I will never visit him or them as I cant...not with a dog that might bark, sniff or lick me...I am shaking at the thought.

But recently a worrying spate of dog attacks and children being mauled to death by these dogs has made me worry even more. I worry that if my son settles down with this girlfriend I will never see my grandchildren and I worry that her parents dogs will possibly attack my grandchildren.

Ridiculous I know - My son is after all only 17 and very unlikely to be with his life partner...and even if he is why would my grandchild be attacked just becuase they share their home with a dog...but fear isnt rational is it

What do others think of this latest dog attack. In my opinion (which as you can see isnt unbiassed) I blame the dogs owners entirely. They had already had a warning about the dogs behaviour. Fancy entrusting your precious grandchild with this animal. Its not even fair on the animal as if its been bred for aggression then these are natural traits and it was acting on instinct.

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