A Conversation for Dangerous dogs

Dangerous dogs

Post 1


I own and have always owned dogs which could be considered dangerous breeds, and yes they are strong and powerful. However, it is my belief that any dog has the potential to be dangerous, particularly to a child. When I was a baby, a small terrier killed a very young child in a nearby town. Virtually any dog is big to a toddler.

Yes I also think the owners are to blame in more than 95% of cases. Other factors can be to blame, for example, sometimes the dog can have an illness which causes aggression in a previously stable dog. I mean actual, physical illnesses, not psychological ones.

I am aware of the strength of my dog, and do not leave him alone with small children ever. He is not aggressive, but because he does not live with any children he does not understand them and how to behave around them properly. It's equally a case of children understanding how to behave around a dog. Having a child and dog together who are not comfortable with one another is a recipe for disaster.

I think maybe it is a bit irrational to be as afraid as you are, but it is certainly important to be aware of the danger and carefully monitor the behaviour of both the dogs and children.

Pow*smiley - biggrin

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Dangerous dogs

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