A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season Eighteen - "Attack! Attack! Attack!"

FF18 - Week Twelve

Post 21

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

If he gets one i want one.

FF18 - Week Twelve

Post 22

Demon Drawer

Darn why couldn't Preston have got a third. Only 4 points in that game for me.

FF18 - Week Twelve

Post 23

Demon Drawer

Nice attempted comeback psycorp almost scoring a second full house.

FF18 - Week Twelve

Post 24


(Drops by to look for Week Twelve marks and Week Thirteen. smiley - lurk)

FF18 - Week Twelve

Post 25


I've been proper poorly this last week, and I just don't have the energy to mark anything this week.

I will put together something for a week 13.

FF18 - Week Twelve

Post 26


smiley - ok Get well soon! smiley - nursesmiley - choc

FF18 - Week Twelve

Post 27


I'm assuming at this stage that Week 13 will be next week. smiley - zen

(Leaves medicinal smiley - stiffdrink for Desk)

FF18 - Week Twelve

Post 28

Demon Drawer

Get well soon GD. Don't rush yourself to sramble a week thirteen together if you're not up to it.

FF18 - Week Twelve

Post 29


I could have sworn that I'd marked this last week. Well, obviously I hadn't. Sorry.

Anyway, the scores on the doors show that there are a goodish number of full houses - one each for Ormy, McKay and Psycorp. But none of these three have won it. That award goes to Orcus with 15 points, boosted by his three 'correct result, scorer and 1st scorer' combos smiley - oksmiley - applause

FF18 - Week Twelve

Post 30


smiley - biggrin

Yes, this was a good week smiley - biggrin

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