A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season Eighteen - "Attack! Attack! Attack!"

Stat Attack

Post 1

Demon Drawer

Following GD's comments today about him being unable to predict the correct scorer here are some interesting alternative tables on who's predicting what best.


me[Andy]g 20 44.4%

DD 19 42.2%

Psycorp 17 37.8%
Greydesk 17 37.8%

Nirvanite 15 33.3%

Ormondroyd 14 31.1%
MegaChedda 14 31.1%

Mu Beta 12 26.7%
riotact 12 26.7%
Orcus 12 26.7%

McKay 11 24.4%

Correct Scores

Mu Beta 7 15.6%

Ormondroyd 5 11.1%

Greydesk 4 8.9%

me[Andy]g 3 6.7%
DD 3 6.7%
MegaChedda 3 6.7%
Orcus 3 6.7%

Nirvanite 2 4.4%

Psycorp 1 2.2%
riotact 1 2.2%
McKay 1 2.2%

Now if you though B's lead in that one was big enough take a look as see the following.

% of Correct results predicted with the right score

Mu Beta 58.3%
Ormondroyd 35.7%
Orcus 25.0%
Greydesk 23.5%
MegaChedda 21.4%
DD 15.8%
me[Andy]g 15.0%
Nirvanite 13.3%
McKay 9.1%
riotact 8.3%
Psycorp 5.9%

On to the scorers GD had best look away now.

% of games with a scorer predicted

DD 11 24.4%
riotact 11 24.4%

Ormondroyd 10 22.2%

MegaChedda 9 20.0%
Nirvanite 9 20.0%

me[Andy]g 8 17.8%

Mu Beta 7 15.6%
Psycorp 7 15.6%

Orcus 5 11.1%
McKay 5 11.1%

Greydesk 4 8.9%

% with the correct first scorer

Ormondroyd 4 8.9%

DD 3 6.7%
riotact 3 6.7%
Nirvanite 3 6.7%
me[Andy]g 3 6.7%
Mu Beta 3 6.7%
Psycorp 3 6.7%

MegaChedda 2 4.4%

Orcus 1 2.2%
McKay 1 2.2%

Greydesk 0 0.0%

% of correctly predicted scorers who found the net first

Mu Beta 42.9
Psycorp 42.9
Ormondroyd 40.0
me[Andy]g 37.5
Nirvanite 33.3
DD 27.3
riotact 27.3
MegaChedda 22.2
Orcus 20.0
McKay 20.0
Greydesk 0.0

Stat Attack

Post 2

Mu Beta

All that doesn't really explain why I am so low in the table. smiley - erm


Stat Attack

Post 3

Demon Drawer

You just don't get enough correct results and are only about average on goalscorers.

But when you do you get results the scores are more often than not spot on.

Stat Attack

Post 4

Secretly Not Here Any More

That's all very... interesting?

Stat Attack

Post 5


Hmm... I think someone is after my job smiley - erm

Stat Attack

Post 6

Demon Drawer

No someone just had a slow day at the office. smiley - winkeye

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