A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season Eighteen - "Attack! Attack! Attack!"

FF18 - Week Eight

Post 21


Actually to be fair, the leg room at your place - albeit the corner where we were all jammed in - was pretty good. It was definitely better than average, and knocked spots off what is available on the kop at Bramall Lane.

Reading's is still by far and away the best though.

FF18 - Week Eight

Post 22

Secretly Not Here Any More

That may be the case, but the seats in the North Stand aren't really compatible with my massive legs.

FF18 - Week Eight

Post 23


It's knees that are my problem.

After 20 years of post-operative wear and tear they are gently falling apart. Today in fact I had to ride the lift at work up to my office - which is only on the first floor for heavensake - because the pain in one of the ligaments in my left knee was so bad when trying to climb stairs smiley - sadface

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