A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season Eighteen - "Attack! Attack! Attack!"

In Lieu of FF18 - week Three

Post 1

Demon Drawer

As it is Lunch Time Wednesday and No sign of the Deskmeister. Here are five grounds I will be travelling past at some point on Saturday on my way home. So unless GD suddenly gives us an official set of five here we go.

All games kick off 15:00

Livingston v St Johnston
Falkirk v Dunfermline
Stenhousemuir v Elgin City
St Mirren v Motherwell
Stranraer v Brechin City

In Lieu of FF18 - week Three

Post 2

Demon Drawer

Livingston 1 St Johnston 2 Graham Dorans
Falkirk 3 Dunfermline 2 Alan Gow
Stenhousemuir 2 Elgin City 0 John Baird
St Mirren 1 Motherwell 1 John Sutton
Stranraer 1 Brechin City 0 Kenny Wright

In Lieu of FF18 - week Three

Post 3

Secretly Not Here Any More

I'd imagine he'll be popping the proper one down at some point tomorrow or Friday...

In Lieu of FF18 - week Three

Post 4


he's cutting it fine...

In Lieu of FF18 - week Three

Post 5


No he isn't: F6184746?thread=3797200 smiley - footballsmiley - ok

Are you sure you've subscribed to the FF18 page, Bottletop?

In Lieu of FF18 - week Three

Post 6


Oops! thanks mate....

In Lieu of FF18 - week Three

Post 7

Demon Drawer

I was about to swear at you there Ormy but seeing as Bottle top is at the opposite end of the table from me I'll let it lie.

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