A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season Eighteen - "Attack! Attack! Attack!"

FF18 - Week One (part two)

Post 21


'I wonder why every one so far(including me) has got Mancheaters United down to beat Newcastle.'

Why indeed, Mega... smiley - bigeyes

FF18 - Week One (part two)

Post 22


smiley - huh Er, Deskmeister? Are you there? Have you, perhaps, forgotten something?

FF18 - Week One (part two)

Post 23


Tis a question of time sadly smiley - sadface

FF18 - Week One (part two)

Post 24

Demon Drawer

smiley - musicalnote Time goes by so slowly slowly

FF18 - Week One (part two)

Post 25

Demon Drawer

How about Part one

DD 9
Ormy 8
meAndyG 7
Riotact 6
GD 5
Megachedda, Psycorp 4
Mu B, Nivanite and McKay 3
Orcus MIA 0

Part two

meAndyG 9
Megachedda and Nivanite 7
MuB and Psycorp 6
DD and Orcus 5
Riotact and Ormy 4
GD and MccKay 2

Full Houses for MuB and Nirvanite in part two.

Total for week 1

meAndyG 16
DD 14
Megachedda 11
Psycorp, Riotact and Nivanite 10
Mu B 9
GD 7
Orcus and McKay 5

FF18 - Week One (part two)

Post 26

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

Elevan points?I think im going to

FF18 - Week One (part two)

Post 27


smiley - ta for the unofficial count, DD. That's the number of points I thought I had!

FF18 - Week One (part two)

Post 28

Demon Drawer

No idea how you got 10 for me in part opne though.

FF18 - Week One (part two)

Post 29


And your calculator is up the spout an' all, DD smiley - tongueout

FF18 - Week One (part two)

Post 30

Demon Drawer

Anybody got some AA batteries I can borrow?

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